Distractions (remake)

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{Luz's POV}
Amity has been interesting to say the least, the past month after coming back to the human realm it has been interesting to see her try to blend in and get her used to this new life. And it is a distraction from the guild from what I had done.

(In the early morning Luz let Amity sleep with her in bed due to a nightmare)

Lus watched as her girlfriend slept peacefully even after having a nightmare, Luz smiles to herself but it soon fades as Amity told her that the dream was about what happened after the stuff with Belos and the Collector. She had a couple of scars because of it.

Luz felt guilty but tried not to get emotional about it as she didn't want to nor thought it was the right time for that. She swallows the lump in her thought and decides it is about time that she wakes Amity up for breakfast. Luz loved seeing how Amity's ears twitched as she woke up and her cute morning yawns it made her feel a tad bit better.

Luz shakes her slightly to get her up.

"Morning sleepyhead..." Luz says quietly not wanting to spook Amity by being loud "Morning...?" she says back seemingly confused. Luz smiles to herself as Amity begins to nuzzle her face into the crook of her neck, "Why do you sound so confused...? are you that sleepy?" Luz chuckles quietly to herself.

Amity yawns again "I didn't think you would wake me up this early that all." Her voice starts to trail off like she is about to fall asleep again "I wouldn't have woken you up if I knew you would be like this you know." Luz says quietly.

"It's okay. I like getting woken up by you anyway..." Amity smile softly as she kisses Luz on the cheek. Luz chuckles and kisses her girlfriend back on her forehead smiling, but she still can't get the guilt to go away even if she feels happy right now.

(Later Luz and Amity go downstairs for breakfast nothing special)

Amity has proven to be a fan of human cereal; she really likes fruit loops. I have been starting to notice that she is a fan of sugar. 'I guess she has a sweet tooth' Luz thought to herself as she watched her girlfriend eat, not feeling hungry herself.

Amity looks up at her "Aren't you going to eat..." Amity comments seemingly worried about Luz's wellbeing. "No, I'm not even hungry it's okay though..." She lies, Luz has become accommodated to lying to her loved ones ever since they got to the human realm, she lies on how she feels and the things she is doing, and it might just blow up in her face if she keeps it up.

"Are you sure you haven't eaten anything since yesterday not even something to drink...?" Amity moves the cup of water towards her. "Just a sip? Please for me...?" Amity insists, Luz sighs and takes the cup drinking a bit. "A little more...?" Amity encourages her.

Luz drinks the rest and stands up from the table "I'm going back to my room if you need me don't hurt get hurt while you're washing dishes again" Luz says as she rinses the cup, she drank from drying her hands and putting it away.

Amity nods as she goes bat to eating not being able to shake the feeling that Luz is upset so she asks, "Did I do something wrong..." Luz pauses "what?" Amity sighs "I don't like that you keep lying to me...I though we promised no secrets or at least to not lie to each other about how we feel...right?" Luz ignores her as she left up the stairs already. Amity sighs and cleans the table up and washes her bowl and spoon and sits on the couch deciding to watch some of the Azura movies.

[Time skip to midnight a Luz was still up she was sitting on the couch she had her computer on her lap as she was researching about the history of Gravesfield to see if she can find anything on how to get back to the boiling isles]

{third person POV}

Luz was struggling to find any info she kept running into dead ends she was tired, but she didn't listen to her body telling her that it's had enough she has been starving herself for the past few days only eating when she was forced to by Camila but even with that she still refused to not until she found a way back to the boiling isles.

{Amity's POV}

I wake up to the sound of thunder. I have always been a light sleeper. Amity looks around the dimly lit room seeing Willow sleeping crazy as usual she chuckles to herself; she looks over to see if Luz is asleep only to see that she is gone.

(Amity goes downstairs to find Luz being silent to not wake anyone up)

"Luz...?" Amity calls out quietly.

{Third person POV}

Luz hears a quiet voice she closes her laptops and turs to see Amity standing there looking a bit tired, but she seems confused "Why are you- I mean...what are you doing at this time...?" shouldn't you be asleep?" Amity asks, "Oh I was uh..." Luz stammers.

"Luz...why do you feel the need to lie to me, ignore me, push yourself away. What is with you? You have been acting like this for the past month did I do something what is bugging you so bad I want to know..." She pauses "You know I only want to help you right...this is why we got together this is why we have done so much to help each other...right?"

Luz stays quiet "You don't have to reply just...please take better care of yourself..for me?" Luz nods slightly "are you sleeping here...it looks like you have gotten comfortable here already too..." Amity hinting that she wants to join her there. Luz sees that and gestures her over to come lay in her lap as it is Amity's favorite napping spot apart from sunspots on the floor.

Amity walks over and lays on her Luz pulls the blanket from off the floor and pulls it over them "comfy?" Luz asks already knowing the answer already "Mhm...I am cozy when I'm with you. We should do this more often." She says, "Do what?" Luz questions "Cuddling silly...it's a stress reliever for you and I get to be next to you...its perfect." Amity yawns and nuzzles into her girlfriend's neck.

(Skip to a day before Thanks To Them)

Luz was getting her Azura and Hecate wigs ready, cutting them and brushing them out to make them look right. Amity was watching Luz do this she was mesmerized she didn't know that Luz was so good at whatever human magic this was "hey Luz..." Amity says quietly to not disturb her too much.

Although Luz was a bit distracted and had something else in mind, she had decided that on Halloween she will break up with Amity as it was for the best to not hurt her anymore, she didn't ever want her to be involved in her own problems with Belos, so she had made up her mind and after saving the boiling isles she will stay in the human realm.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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