The Final Battle Pt. 1

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Narrator's POV

The terrorcons were driving towards a mountain and as Scourge arrived, he placed the unconscious Eva inside a cage before combining the two pieces of the transwarp key together before everything around him began to change into something sinister. "Awaken, almighty Unicron" Scourge said presents the key to Unicron. "Your time has come and I present to you, your sparkmate" Scourge adds as he raises up the cage where he put Eva in as a large metal structure starts growing out of the ground. "Excellent work, Scourge" Unicron says evilly as if he was now smirking evilly.

Back with the Others

Noah stood near the edge of the hill as he stared out in the distance at where Scourge was bringing Unicron to earth, completely frowning and worried for his sister/aunt figure, who was taken away from him and the others. Neziha was sitting down with his face buried in his lap as he still refused to believe that he'd witnessed his Mother was taken away from him. Soon Optimus walks towards them and stands beside them and it was silent for a moment before Optimus says in a sad voice "I am sorry, Noah and Neziha" and his gaze trained on the ground. "You were looking out for your own. I can't even be angry at you for that" Noah said to him and then Optimus says "On my homeworld, we believed that the battle with darkness will continue till all are one" and this made Noah look at him as Optimus continued before looking at Noah, "I lost sight of that. You fought for yours as I fought for mine when we should've been fighting the darkness together".

This made Noah quiet for a moment and was about to say something until someone spoke.

"Well, I'm not done fighting"

Noah and Optimus both looked to see that it was Neziha as he stood up and wiped his dried tear stains away. "My Mommy is the most strongest and stubborn person I know. Knowing her, she won't go down without a fight. But I know deep down she's scared along with everyone else about what's gonna happen next. So I'm gonna be as brave as Momma was! I'm gonna keep fighting with all of my strength I have and share it with everyone!" and then Neziha gave a comforting, but bright smile as he looks at Noah and Optimus as he continued, "And I can do that because of you guys. You're heroes and warriors and you never give up! You and everyone else will find a way to save our homes. So why be sad when I know things will be okay in the end?" and this made Optimus and Noah stunned for a moment as they were processing by what Neziha had said to them.

"He's right... I ain't done fighting yet either" Noah said before he and Neziha both started walking back towards the others as he was surprised, but also stunned by Neziha's speech knowing that for a moment that the human little boy had spoken like a true leader before a small soft smile appeared on his faceplate and starts walking behind; following the two humans. "A'ight, everybody, squad up! Bring it in!" Noah yelled out, making everyone look at him. "There's gotta be a way to stop this bully" Neziha said and Primal jumped down from his spot above, beside Elena with a thump as he said "It's too late, little one. The Transwarp has already been activated" as a hologram form of the tower appears in the middle of them all, "It has more energy than a supernova. Any interruption will ignite it like a bomb" and this made Neziha frown before shaking his head and says "No! No! There's no such thing as too late! There has to be something! Anything!" and that's when Airazor finally says "The only way to stop this process is an access code installed long ago as a safeguard".

Elena and Neziha both perked up when Airazor said that. "Okay. What's the code then?" Mirage asked and Primal answered "The code was split, along with the key" but then Airazor frowned before admitting "Sadly, I cannot remember the second half of the code" and Neziha looked like as if he was ready to give up before Elena takes a step forward as she said "No, wait, wait, wait, I got it!" and this made everyone turn their attention to her as Elena picks up her journal before asking Airazor "The one hiding in your half of the key, right?" and Airazor nods as Elena tosses her notes together on a page and links them up before showing Primal while saying "That had markings in it. Just like the ones I found in that cave where you hid yours. Together, they must complete the access code" and Primal looks at it before Noah asks "So we got a chance now, right?".

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