The Final Battle Pt. 2

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Narrator's POV

Meanwhile on the battlefield, every autobot and maximal heard the scream of anger and pain that made them almost stop fighting. "Is that..." Arcee said as she recognized the scream. "Eva" Primal mumbled with a frown on his faceplate as Optimus growled before looking up and saw that the portal was getting bigger and larger as something started falling from the sky before it crashed on the ground. Then it transforming into another terrocon, who roared before tackling Cheetor, who snarled at it before killing it.

Meanwhile Back at the Bridge

Eva finished screaming before she made a dash towards Scourge, who engaged fighting against her while Eva activated her arm blades and starts battling him with great force and strength. "I'LL KILL YOU!!!" Eva snarled as her eyes completely changed to red as they looked like demon eyes.

 "I'LL KILL YOU!!!" Eva snarled as her eyes completely changed to red as they looked like demon eyes

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Red... Was the only thing Eva could see as her eyes were filled with tears along with anger and revenge inside them. She landed on the ground before leaping forward again towards Scourge with a yell and swings her arm blades forward, making it collide against Scourge's frame. "YOU BASTARD!! YOU KILLED MY FRIEND AND THE TWO PEOPLE THAT I LOVED!!! I'M GONNA MAKE YOU PAY FOR THIS!!!!!!" Eva screamed again before punching Scourge in the center of his chassis with a great force of her strength sending him almost flying before he continued fighting and shooting at her. Eva continued to dodge, kick, slice, shoot and punch at Scourge and then he managed to hit her with the tip of his blade, causing Eva to have a wound under chin; but she continued fighting against him in absolute rage almost as if she was in a blind rage right now. Eva continues fighting against Scourge and then grabbing her sword, Eva zooms towards Scourge with a battle cry as she leaps into the air and was ready to land an attack on him when...

"Neziha... No matter what happens... I'm never gonna let anything bad happen to you... My son"

Eva gasped as she remembered her own words and unfortunately this distracted her as Scourge used this opportunity. With one arm, Scourge back slapped Eva into the wall a few feet away, making her let out a cry of pain. Eva slides/falls onto the floor as she coughs out blood and tries getting up, but couldn't as her whole body was numb and couldn't find enough strength. For once in her life... Eva felt weak and helpless. She haven't felt like this since... Her big brother Cole passed away while trying to protect her, Eva remembered that horrible day like it was just yesterday.

Flashback to Fourteen Years Ago

A 14 year old Eva was hiking on a trail along with her 20 year old big brother Cole. Today was their quality sibling bonding time and they both decided to go hiking together in the forest and the two were happily chatting together about random things.

"Good thing I brought my camera with me this time, so I can take pictures for my adventure book, Cole!" Eva says as she brought out her camera and showed Cole, who smiled at his sister and said "That's good. Who knows, maybe we can see some deer in the forest" and this made Eva gasped and exclaimed "You're right! Just like in Bambi!" and this made Cole chuckle as he ruffled Eva's hair, making her whine in protest while Cole laughed before he suddenly stopped walking and this confused Eva. "Cole? What's wrong?" Eva asked and then she saw Cole looking around while narrowing his eyes. "Something's wrong..." Cole finally said before he gently took Eva's hand and says "Keep moving and follow me" and the two siblings continued walking on the trail. They kept walking for a couple of minutes until Eva suddenly furrowed her eyebrows and sniffs the air, making Cole look at her questionably. "What is it, Eva?" Cole asked and that's when Eva said "Do you smell that?".

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