The incident, And USJ attack (Part One)

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Authors note: Ok guys my bad for being gone so long I didn't really mean it, I kept pushing off when I would make the new chapter of this and I kind of maybe forgot about it. But most because of school works that kind of trash, Essays and projects you get the gist. I found a new obsession but I still do enjoy MHA hopefully. Anyways IDK how long the USJ attack will take but just stay with me, ONTO THE SHOW!

*BEEP*, *BEEP, *BEEP* *THUD*, "Ughhhhh five for minutes" I grumble picking my self up off the floor from falling at the blaring alarm clock. "Time for another day of school" I Say looking in the mirror staring back at myself trying to get my hair at least a little cleaner. I throw on the grey uniform and head downstairs to great my mom, "Good morning mom" I say smiling, Gotta make sure she doesn't know about the suspension.

"Good morning sweetie, How was your sleep you passed out like a log while I was gone" She said in a nice but worried tone. "Oh it was a good sleep until the alarm clock busted my eardrums, And I was only tired from a long day of training" I say still trying to put up a act that wasn't needed. "Well okay sweetie have a good day at school" She say's giving me a big hug.

I head out the door and instead of flying today I walked with my new cute puppy, Adorable I think as I summon the shih tzu (Yes I made it a shih tzu, They are cute!!!) I walk down the road and since I am a bit early I wont be late to school. Walking down the road I hear some ruckus in a a alley way. I peep my head around the corner to see... One of my classmates?! And Uraraka of all people?

I summon a much bigger anime, Built like a wolf and send him over to the man looming over the girl saying vile things. She watch's in horror as the man was ripped apart limb from limb, Leaving no trace behind but the screams of the man. I stood there shocked at what just unfolded, I didn't make him attack yet. I didn't want him to kill him, I grab the girls hand and take her out of the alley way. "Listen I didn't want him to do that, Okay? Lets just not mention this to anybody" I say running off eventually flying off.

I arrive at the 1-A door and breathe before entering, "Welcome back Midoriya, I hope you had a good vacation" Hobo say's, I give a mean glare before taking a seat at my chair. I notice Uraraka coming in shortly after, We exchanged looks and swiftly looked away remembering what just took place. Reassuring myself that everything would be fine I took out my notebook and  doodled for a bit until everyone arrived.

"Ok you lazy kids, Today we will be doing something so follow me, And bring your hero costumes two." dirty sleeping bag man said. (Just imagine Shigaraki already destroyed UA's gates) We all follow hobo man and mid way through walking red spikey dude says "Hey Mr. Aizawa where are we going?", "To the USJ" He says not even looking back.

"Woahh this place is huge" A Pikachu-Like boy says, "Welcome to the USJ, Were you will be training in different types of areas.", A new person appearing, strangely looking like a astronaut. "Woah it's the hero 13" another person says. "Welp come on in and we'll get situated" She says. We all look around and multiple different types of training areas that will resemble real life disasters. "They even got fake villains, That's pretty awesome!" A red head shout's. "Those arent fake villains stay back" Hobo say's taking a fighting stance Infront of us.

Ima end it off there hope you are enjoying it and I am always open for suggestion's :D

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