Chapter 1

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Y/N hated it here.

Her heels made empty rhythmic clicks and clacks on the soulless tile floor as she made her way to her cubicle, dipping and side-stepping around coworkers who stood in the way.

'Just focus on walking and it will be fine,' she told herself. 'Everything will be fine.'

A smile was pressed on her face, forced, but no one would know that.

Y/N rushed to get to where she needed to be, attempting to ignore everyone around her, yet still feeling their stares boring holes through her.

Finally stepping into her designated area, she sat at her desk. Her seat was barely comfortable at best, and miserable most days. Her work computer was old, box-like and faded, likely bought and installed decades ago, but it still ran... relatively smoothly. Or at least as smoothly as an office computer can get.

After adjusting her skirt, oh how she disliked this skirt, she got to work; pulling up files, emails, and the like.

Minutes feel like hours, and the past however many days have felt like years. Her life felt like stuffy, humid air; she needed to breathe, and this stupid desk job at Joja of all places had a rope around her throat.

Y/N groaned, leaning back in her chair and pressing her fingers against her forehead. She hated it here.

She was stuck. She had no clue what to do. She got herself in this mess, though; she deserved it, yet she was looking for an out.

Taking a quick peek at the cubicles around her, no one seemed to share that sentiment. They were all either hard at work or conversing with others around the water fountain. Everyone looked content, or at least relatively neutral to the work environment they all found themselves in. She had the feeling that it was all a lie; no one could possibly be happy just sitting in front of a screen and punching random numbers in a document all day, every day, every month, every year.

She looked back at her computer, sinking into her seat. She was mentally exhausted, if the bags under her eyes were anything to go by. She needed an out, but as far as she knew, there was none.

Her thoughts wandered; where had her life gone, and how did she end up here?

She remembered hanging out with her friends in high school, carefree and ignorant of the looming threat of adulthood. She wondered where her friends are now, as their friend group had dispersed when most of the group had gone to college. Hopefully they were happy with where they'd ended up.

Next her thoughts trailed to middle school, where puberty had really messed with many of her peers. Her friends would gossip, joke and chat throughout their lunch period. Friendships started and ended frequently. The gym locker rooms were an embarrassing experience overall.

She remembered being in elementary school, oblivious to the goings on and fighting between the Gotoro Empire and Ferngill Republic. She remembered hearing adults talk about it in hushed whispers, always whispering, as though someone may be watching. She remembered being sent to her Grandpa's farm sometimes back then, where she would help with the crops and animals. She... wait.


Y/N's eyes widened, a memory flooding back.

She had only just hit double digits at the time. Grandpa had gotten weaker in his last few years, but he'd always tried to move around and get something done. Seeing her Grandpa in his bed, not making an effort to get up and walk around, it felt alien to her. That wasn't like her Grandpa. Her parents knew his time was near.

She remembers his voice; warm, loving and calm, even when he was nearing his end.

"... and for my very special granddaughter... I want you to have this sealed envelope."

She'd blinked back tears as a crisp envelope had been pressed gently into her hands. Her fingers slid to the purple wax seal, carefully, and her grandfather sat a hand on hers.

"No, no," he said with a chuckle. "Don't open it yet... have patience."

Y/N looked up, a tear threatening to slide down her cheek. Her grandfather wiped it away.

"Now, listen close..."

"There will come a day when you feel crushed by the burden of modern life... and your bright spirit will fade before a growing emptiness..." Grandpa explained, before being interrupted by a cough.

"When that happens, my dear," he says, a knowing glint in his eye. "You'll be ready for this gift."

Y/N had nodded, before the tears began to flow, and Grandpa had pulled her into one of his famous hugs. Oh how she missed them.

"Now, let Grandpa rest..."

The letter.

Where is the letter?

Y/N jolted upright and out of her seat, her eyes darting around her workspace. She opened drawers, digging through meaningless paperwork and files. She needs to find the letter.

Then she saw it, a royal purple wax seal, keeping the secrets of a yellowed envelope locked inside.

Grandpa's letter.

Her name was written with care on the front in pen, as though the letter was calling out to her, reassuring her that today was the day Grandpa had told her of. Carefully, she peeled the wax seal and opened the letter, pulling out a crisp and yellowed paper.

Dear Y/N,

If you're reading this, you must be in dire need of a change.

The same thing happened to me, long ago. I'd lost sight of what mattered most in life... real connections with other people and nature. So I dropped everything and moved to the place I truly belong.

I've enclosed the deed to that place... my pride and joy: Stardrop Farm. It's located in Stardew Valley, on the southern coast. It's the perfect place to start your new life.

This was my most precious gift of all, and now it's yours. I know you'll honor the family name, my dear. Good luck.

Love, Grandpa

P.S. If Lewis is still alive say hi to the old guy for me, will ya?

Y/N wiped the tears from her eyes, and sure enough, she noticed the extra paper in the envelope. The deed to the farm.

After swallowing hard, she knew she needed to act.

She got up, swiftly packed her things, and walked into her boss' office.

"I quit."

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