Chapter 2

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Y/N leaned against the window of the bus, her eyes fixated on the trees and buildings that flew past her gaze.

She's really doing it. Never in a million years did she think she'd ever come back to Pelican Town after Grandpa's passing. How long has it been..? About ten years or so?

She hadn't expected to burn out at that job at Joja so fast, either. Then again, she'd been there for almost two years, and quite a bit of the work had been piled onto her. She just hoped that she would do well at her Grandpa's farm.

The bus hit a bump and her head bounced, hitting the window hard and tearing her from her thoughts. She rubbed her head absentmindedly, noticing a sign outside the window.

Stardew Valley
0.5 mi.

Her eyes lit up. She's almost there. Her heart begins to race in anticipation, the slight worry of if she'll even fit in takes over her mind. Quickly, she banishes those thoughts. From what she remembers, it's a nice town, so she should be welcomed easily if memory serves her right. Plus, she's stayed there before, so maybe a few of the locals remember her, if they're still there.

Before she knows it, the bus is hissing to a stop, and she falls forward slightly in her seat.

"Pelican Town." the bus driver calls out, and Y/N quickly stands. Grabbing her very few belongings, she thanks the driver and steps out of the bus.

She's hit with the clean earthy smell of the valley, a smell she's dearly missed from living in the city for so long. There are many trees surrounding the small bus stop, much more than what she'd see back in the developed and urban Zuzu City. The sun feels warm on her skin and the breeze is cool and refreshing, neither nippy nor frigid. A small smile makes its way to her face; she's back.

"Hello!" a voice calls out.

Y/N quickly looks around before her gaze falls on someone new; a woman with ginger hair pulled into a slightly messy bun. She's wearing a yellow long sleeved shirt with a brown vest, some green pants, and some neat brown boots. The woman wore a big smile on her face as she walked closer to Y/N from the path in front of the bus stop.

It's Ms. Robin, a familiar face that Y/N hasn't seen since Grandpa passed.

"Y/N, it's so nice to see you again!" Robin said, her face practically glowing from her smile.

"Hi Ms. Robin!" Y/N returns, accepting a hug from the older woman.

"How have you been?" Robin asks.

"I've been doing okay. I'm glad to be back, though! I've missed this place so much."

"Well, we're glad to have you back too. It's been a bit cloudy since you were last here; nothing bad, but you made the town a whole lot sunnier when you'd stay with your Grandpa."

Y/N nodded, remembering how often she'd be called cheerful, sunny or helpful when she was a kid. Robin's eyes widened, as though she'd forgotten something.

"Oh! Speaking of which, Mayor Lewis is at the farm right now. Here, let me help with your things. Is that all?"

Y/N blinked, and glanced down at her belongings.

All she had was a rolling backpack, a small duffel bag, and a purse, each filled with clothes, personal products or other essentials. The only real "luxuries" she owns are a phone, a pair of headphones, a drawing pad and some art supplies like pencils and markers. Other than that, and the clothes on her back, she had nothing to her name. She barely even had any cash on her, which was stored securely in her purse.

"Uh, yeah, that's all." Y/N replied, feeling a bit underpacked, but that was all she owned. Despite her job at Joja Corp. being comparable to an accountant, she wasn't paid nearly as much for her services, and had only made enough to just barely get by.

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