04 - i love you 🔞

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ship: tsuyu asui + uraraka ochaco - aged up.

Asui sighs heavily as she taps her nails against her desk, staring at the clock as the seconds tick. Usually she isn't this antsy to leave school, but she had gotten a message earlier. It was simple, from the contact "bunny" with a heart beside it, the message reading, 'I'm picking you up after <3' but it already had Asui's palms sweating, fixing her shirt every few moments. She watches as the clock ticks closer to freedom, closer to her .


Asui turns her head, seeing Iida looking at her with a worried expression.

"Are you fine? You look really antsy."

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Ochaco is picking her up today so she's really excited."

Kaminari whispers from behind them, grinning wolfishly whenever Asui glares at him.

"I hate you, y'know?"

"Feeling is mutual." He smiles broadly, playfully towards her.

"Should I give you three detention?"

Their college teacher snaps and Asui spins, facing the front with wide eyes. The teacher sighs before pinching the bridge of his nose.

"It's the end of the day and I don't have patience for you kids - especially you, Kaminari."

Kaminari pulls a face toward Sero, arms raising as if to ask what did he do?

"Class is over. Wait till the bell rings and I'll deal with you three on Monday."

Asui smiles gratefully, waiting diligently for the bell to ring as everyone in the class chatters.

  ─── ・🤍🤍。゚☆: *.☽ .* :🤍🤍. ───

The bell rings and Asui almost trips over herself to run to her locker. She drops all of her shit - not taking anything home. No homework to do, no books to study. She stops at the bathroom to check her appearance, frowning as she pokes at the bags under her eyes. She should've put some more makeup on but there's nothing she can do about it now, so she just leaves the bathroom and goes out the main doors with the throng of people. Finding Ochaco's car is easy, waving goodbye to Kaminari who throws a peace sign out of his car window, Deku shouting goodbye over the console as they drive out of the parking lot. Asui pulls open the passenger door with her not so strong arms and drops inside, shutting the door and fixing her skirt before she glances at her girlfriend. She jumps when she comes face to face with a shock of black hair. Ochaco's hair has been brown for so long, the elder of the two going through so much dying and bleaching to keep it brown and then pink, you name it. Ochaco is leaned against her seat, hands tapping against the wheel. She mutters a curse to herself.

"This traffic is always so stupid. The buses take at least eight years to clear out."

Asui reaches over and grabs onto a lock of Ochaco's hair, twirling it around her finger.

"You dyed your hair."

"I did."

"I like it."

Ochaco glances at her finally, a smile breaking out on her features.


Asui just nods, pulling her hand back to adjust her skirt over her thighs. Their college uniform is so ugly, khaki and green colored and the skirts go to their shins no matter what you do, she even preferred her UA uniform over this. Ochaco's told her once that she thinks the uniforms are cute to put it nicely and Asui had glared at her for ten minutes as Ochaco tried to keep a straight face.

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