flower shop AU

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this chapter is inspired by a prompt i saw on pinterest! im quite new to writing, but i hope u enjoy! <3

/third person pov/

It was around noon, the sun was shining down on the little corner shop.

A flower shop.

The vibrant colours of all the flowers were highly contrasting the dull neighbourhood.
The interior smelt fresh, like sweet floral perfume, but it wasnt perfume.
It was all just the natural scent of the little market.

The boy who owned this shop was called George.

George had the fluffiest chocolate brown hair, which was almost softer than his personality. Almost.
Alike to his hair, he had dark brown eyes which sparkled whenever the light hit them in the right position.

Right now, the man was leaning against the counter, drawing the outline of some flowers in his sketchbook.
This point of the day was always the quietest for the flower store, so George always had to find a way to keep himself occupied.
Because of this, he chose to take up art as a hobby. It took some practice, but he soon became very talented in his sketches.

Just then, George heard the bell above the door go off.
He looked up, seeing a handsome, blond man walking towards him through his fluffy hair. The man looked around his own age, yet the height difference would've made you think otherwise.
He had gorgeous golden eyes, which could also of been green, yet either way they glistened against the sun.

"H-" George began, but was soon interrupted.

"How do I passive-aggressively say 'fuck you' through flowers?" the man spoke, slamming £20 on the counter. His words were rushed, slightly alarming George for a second.

"Oh, well umm.." George thought for a moment, pausing due to the mans abrupt attitude, "you would need a bouquet which consists of.. geraniums to represent stupidity, foxglove which show insincerity..meadowsweet to suggest uselessness, orange lilies for hatred annnnnd.." he paused again, looking down in thought. "yellow carnations to tell the person they have disappointed you!" he finished, smiling brightly.

"Alright thanks," the boy opposite George spoke, "so how do you know so much about flowers? I mean I get you own a flower shop and stuff, but I doubt many other owners know as much as you."

"I don't know, I guess flowers have just always been my passion," George began, coming out from behind the counter to grab the bouquet his customer wanted, "ever since I was a kid flowers always captured my interest, and I started studying different types when I was around 14 or something? My parents have even labelled it as an obsession a few times haha! I-"
He began to say another sentence, but soon realised he was probably oversharing considering he had only met this man a few minutes ago.

"That's so cool, I can tell you are very passionate about what you do.." he looked at George's name-tag, "George."
He smiled at George, earning a bright grin from the shorter man back.

"So, who are these flowers for?" George asked, collecting the last few of the flowers he needed before looking into the mans golden eyes, "I mean not that it's any of my business! Sorry just ignore my question actually, I don't have a right to know that."

"No it's fine don't worry! They're for my best friend, we got into an argument with each other over something stupid as usual, so I want to apologise to him, while still keeping in mind that I was definitely right." He replied, looking at the chocolate haired boy.

"Ah, of course!" George giggled, walking back to the counter to tie the bouquet together, the man following behind him.

After a few seconds of trimming the stalk of the flower and other preparations, George spoke again, "so what's your name?"

"Clay, but my friends call me Dream."  Dream replied.

"Dream?" George said, confused by the nickname.

"Yeah haha, its my gamertag on minecraft so-" Dream began, the smaller man interrupting him.

"Oh my god, you play minecraft? I love that game!" George began smiling widely at Dream.

"Yeah! It's been my favourite since forever." the blond boy replied.

"Same, I've been playing since it first came out," George beamed, "we should play together sometime, if you want to of course."

Dream smiled to himself, before replying, "sure, what's your gamertag? I'll add you when I get home."

"Its GeorgeNotFound, here I'll write it down," George said, scribing his username on a spare scrap of paper.

"Cool, thanks!" Dream smiled.

"It's no problem," George grinned widely, "here is your bouquet!"

He handed the flower combination to Dream, their hands touching for a split second.
George blushed, before pulling away once he was sure Dream had a grip on the flowers.

"Thanks George." he said again, staring into the boys chocolate eyes.
George stared back, feeling heat rise in his cheeks again.
He smiled brightly, "anytime Dream."
George began collecting change from inside the cash register, before a large, strong hand held his.

"Keep the change George, it's on me," Dream glanced up at the boy.

"But that's like... around £15! Are you sure?" George asked, turning his head slightly as he looked back into Dream's eyes.

"I insist, please keep it," Dream replied, his hand still over Georges.

"Okay then." George giggled, smiling brightly.

Dream pulled his hand away, standing back from the counter slightly.
George shut the cash register, still staring at Dream's perfect face.

"Well, see you later then." Dream said, glancing the pretty boy in front of him up and down.
"Bye Dream! My shift ends at 4pm by the way, so I can probably play minecraft around then." George replied, blushing after noticing the man's flickering eyes.

"Alright," Dream smirked, starting to leave the store, "bye pretty boy!"

George hesitated at the nickname, feeling blush rise all over his face. He was about to say goodbye back, before hearing the bell on the door ring once again.

Dream had already left.

Word count: 1,011

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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