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Taylor was feeling down. The past few weeks had been rough, and she was feeling the weight of everything. She had been feeling lost and alone, and she didn't know how to make things better.

It was on a day like this, when she was at her lowest, that Y/N came into her life. They had been friends for a while, and Y/N had always been there to support her, to lift her up when she needed it the most.

Taylor didn't know how to react when Y/N showed up at her door, looking serious and concerned. But when Y/N sat down next to her on the couch and put their arm around her, she knew that Y/N was there to give her the support she needed.

Taylor sighed heavily, feeling the weight of all of her worries and stresses bearing down on her. But Y/N was there to listen, to understand, to offer words of comfort and wisdom. And as Taylor spoke, she felt the weight lifting off her shoulders, replaced by the warmth of Y/N's support.

Finally, after what felt like hours of talking, Taylor felt exhausted. The strain of the past weeks had taken a toll on her, and she just wanted to rest.

Y/N noticed Taylor's exhaustion and immediately sprung into action, tucking her into bed and making sure she was comfortable. Taylor fell asleep instantly, feeling the weight of the world lift from her shoulders.

When she woke up the next morning, Taylor felt like a new person. She was grateful to have Y/N in her life, someone who was always there to support her, to help her through the hard times. And she knew that with Y/N by her side, she would get through anything.

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