Clingy Tay

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It was a sunny day in Nashville, and Taylor Swift was feeling particularly clingy. She had just come back from a tour and missed her fans dearly, but there was one fan in particular that was constantly on her mind - y/n.

Y/n was a die-hard Taylor Swift fan, who had been to every concert and had every album. Taylor had noticed y/n's dedication and love for her, and it touched her heart. But with the tour over, Taylor was feeling a little lost without the constant interaction with her fans.

So when Taylor received a message from y/n on social media, asking if they could meet up for coffee, she jumped at the chance. She craved the connection with her fans, and y/n had always been one of her favorites.

As they met at a cozy coffee shop, Taylor couldn't help but feel a wave of excitement and clinginess wash over her. She hugged y/n tightly, feeling happy to finally meet them in person. But as they sat down to chat, Taylor found herself wanting to be even closer to y/n.

Taylor kept touching y/n's arm, playing with their hair, and gazing deeply into their eyes. Y/n found it endearing and sweet, but also a little overwhelming. They weren't used to such intense attention from their idol, but couldn't help but feel special.

As they finished their coffee, Taylor suggested they go for a walk in the park. Y/n happily agreed, enjoying the peacefulness of the park and the closeness with Taylor. But as they walked, Taylor's clinginess only seemed to grow.

She kept leaning on y/n, linking their arms together, and even resting her head on y/n's shoulder. Y/n was flattered and blushing, but also a little uncomfortable with all the attention. They couldn't believe that the Taylor Swift was being so clingy with them.

As they strolled through the park, Taylor couldn't stop talking and laughing with y/n. She was so happy to have this time with them and didn't want it to end. But as the day drew to a close, Taylor knew she had to let go of her clinginess and give y/n some space.

With a heavy heart, Taylor said goodbye to y/n and watched them walk away. She couldn't help but feel a little sad that the day was over, but also grateful for the special connection she had with her fan.

From that day on, Taylor and y/n became even closer, with y/n always teasing Taylor about her clinginess. But deep down, Taylor knew that y/n was one of her biggest fans and that feeling of being clingy was just her way of showing her love and appreciation.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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