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What do you all think about creating a separate Instagram account for my Wattpad updates? The last time I tried, I created an account, but no one supported me, so I ended up abandoning it. It really hurt me, and I felt so lonely. Please, I'm begging you, tell me your thoughts. Your support means everything to me, and I don't know if I can handle another letdown.

The Sunday sun dripped honey onto Adrian's balcony, casting long shadows that stretched and danced with the gentle breeze. Fresh from a jog and some punishing workouts, Adrian emerged from the shower, a towel slung low on his hips. He threw on a T-shirt and shorts,

As he stepped out onto his balcony, his gaze naturally drifted towards Meera's apartment. The balcony door hung open, but there was no sign of her yet. His eyes fell on Ginger,  perched regally on the railing. The cat locked eyes with Adrian, its emerald gaze unwavering.

Adrian scoffed. "¿No tiene este gato otra cosa que hacer que fulminarme con la mirada? Un día de estos voy a secuestrar a este demonio peludo." (Doesn't this cat have anything better to do than glare at me? One of these days I'm gonna snatch this furry devil.) Ginger hissed back, Adrian sighed dramatically. "Vale, vale, vete de aquí, gato tonto. ¡Gingerrrr, nene!" (Alright, alright, shoo, stupid cat. Gingerrrr, sweetie!)he told sarcastically.

Ginger, unimpressed, hissed back, puffed out his chest, and let out a series of rapid-fire meows, each one punctuated by an arrogant flick of his tail. Adrian addressed Ginger, a cocky smirk playing on his lips. "You know what? Maybe I should teach you some respect. One of these days, you're coming over to hang with the big dogs, gato. (cat) We'll see how tough you are." But before Ginger could retort, a melodic voice sliced through the air.

"Gingerrrr babyyyy," Meera cooed, emerging from the balcony door. Adrian's breath hitched. He felt a familiar warmth bloom in his chest, Meera emerged, a vision in white, her long hair cascading down her back like a waterfall of sunshine. Her face, free of makeup, held a natural beauty accentuated by the tiny bindi adorning her forehead. The sleeveless white top hugged her curves gracefully, and the long, floral skirt swayed with each step, revealing a glimpse of toned legs.

 "Good morning, fresa," he greeted, his voice laced with a hint of amusement. Meera, startled by the unexpected voice, whipped around. There, leaning against the railing of his balcony, stood Adrian. A playful smile danced on his lips as he met her gaze. Meera's face brightened "Oh, hey Adrian," she stammered, her voice betraying a slight fluster. "Good morning. I didn't see you there." Her gaze darted between Adrian and Ginger, who had settled comfortably in her arms.

"Tu gato (your cat) is such a drama king, he is glaring at me even when I am silent," Adrian remarked, rolling his eyes with a hint of jealousy. Meera couldn't help but chuckle at his comment. Meera chuckled at Adrian's comment. "Oh, don't mind him, he's just protective,"

Adrian smirked, "Well, he better watch out. I might steal all your attention away from him," he said with a wink. Meera's cheeks heated up and before she could open her mouth, Anjali's voice called out from inside Meera's house. "Meera ma, come in for breakfast, The dosas are getting cold!"

As Meera's mother called her for breakfast, She could feel the heat creeping up her cheeks as she glanced at Adrian, a bashful smile playing on her lips. "Um, I, uh, have to go," she stammered, her words slightly hurried as she turned to leave, having ginger on her arms.

Adrian slid inside and made his way downstairs, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips. He couldn't help but be amused by the way Meera flustered so easily under his light flirting. Today, however, was all about family time. He planned to spend the rest of this sunny Sunday with his beloved abuela, Evelyn.

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