Chapter 2 (Some fluff)

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Y/n's POV:

I woke in a grassy meadow with rows of flowers bedding the ground a cool breeze rolling through with echoes of birds and insects singing all around. In the center of this meadow, sat a large willow tree decorated with many white flowers. I sat at the trunk of this tree enjoying the peacefulness for hours. I wandered down the meadow for a bit exploring the surroundings. I noticed how the meadows here seemed endless, I paid no mind to it though. As I wondered deeper I could sense the aroma of a vanilla candle coming from a direction down a darkened path. The stronger it smelled and the deeper I went, the darker it got. Eventually there was nothing but darkness for a few moments before I heard the sound of knocking.

I opened my eyes once more to see myself laying on a bed in a room I didn't recognise. On my left, there was a nightstand with a glass of water and a note next to a half melted vanilla scented candle. The same smell in what appeared to be my dream.

I can't remember anything right now.... Not even my name. I heard the knocking again.

"Hello, Miss Y/n? Are you awake yet? Everyone is starting to worry about you." I heard a woman's voice.

I didn't answer. At least I know my name now. I stayed silent and waited for them to leave. I layed for a few more hours trying to remember something..... anything?

Another knock. Maybe I should ask where I am. But..

I'm scared. What if they want to hurt me? Or... OH GOD. NO. no... Calm down. I don't remember anything that happened so I shouldn't just jump to conclusions. I'm gonna ask.

"I-I'm.. awake." I said in a very dry and scratchy voice. The woman on the other side of the door slides the door open with her face left in shock. No words came from her mouth.

"Go let him know she's awake." One of the other ladies had said.

"Yes, yes right away!" Two of the girls left in a hurry and a younger male worker came in with a fresh glass of water and a change of clothes.

"Miss Y/n, would you like anything to eat?" The boy asked.

"Um.. No I'm not really hungry" I replied.

"You've been asleep for almost four days now..." The lady had spoke seeming very surprised

"......." I paused for a long moment "Oh...shit."

"Do you remember anything?'

"Only that everyone here has been calling me Y/n."

"Hm.. we were told that you hit your head pretty hard-" A tall man with long blond hair appeared in view of the door way "Oh Lord Doma you've arrived."

"I'll take her from here, thank you." He smiled gently at her as she exited the room, he shut the door.

The man was dressed in a red long sleeve shirt with black drip pattern from the collar to the middle of his chest with a purple and black scarf. He also wore white and black striped pants and his nails were a light purple.

I examined this guy again and again. He seems so familiar in some way I just can't put my finger on it.

"I'm guessing you're Lord Doma?"

"The one and only." He winked

I giggled to his prideful humor. "I'd like to ask, where the hell am I? Excuse my language."

"Oh I don't mind in the slightest. You do deserve to know. You're in my Eternal Paradise Temple"

"Oh... like a correctional center?" I held my head down in disappointment. A faint memory flashed in my head before quickly disappearing. I gasped. "I think I just remembered that as a kid I was put in a correctional center, I don't know or remember why, just that i was there."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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