a month earlier

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3rd person pov:
It's now March 8th, 2024. Lucy is asked for an undercover case by Grey and Nyla.
N: You don't have to go, I would if I didn't have Lila this week.
L: No, I understand, uhm When do I need to decide?
G: You have until this evening so we can prepare you for leaving tomorrow evening.
L: Uh, sure, I will let you know by then.
Little did everyone know that Lucy would go, and Tim would be stuck with Tamara at his house, worried about Lucy.
Lucy went up to Tim's office and knocked on the door.
T: Come in!
L: Hey, babe.
T: Hi, what's up?
L: How did you know?
T: Because you look worried and happy at the same time.
L: You know me so well.
T: So, what's up?
L: Well, Grey and Nyla asked me for a case.
T: What sort of case?
L: A UC case.
T: Nice. Do you want to go?
L: Yeah, I do, but do you want me to go?
T: I will miss you, but if this is what you want, I don't want to hold you back.
L: Okay.
T: When do you leave?
L: Tomorrow night.
T: Should we have a movie night tonight with Tamara?
L: If you want to.
T: Of course, I want to spend time with the 2 most important women in my life.
L: Softie.
T: I'll let Tamara know for this evening.
L: Thanks.
Lucy left, and Tim finished his paperwork. Lucy went up to Grey's office.
G: Chen, come in.
Lucy walked in and sat down on one of the chairs.
L: I have decided.
G: You know you do have time until tonight?
L: Yeah, but I talked to Tim, and he said that if I wanted to, he would let me go and support me in every way he can.
G: So you're going?
L: Yes.
G: I'll let Nyla know.
L: Thanks for your time.
G: No problem.
Lucy walked back out and went to change and go home, Tim had to work a while longer, so Lucy just went home with a ride from Angela.
L: Thanks for dropping me off.
Ang: No problem! It was nice to talk with you.
L: Goodnight.
Ang: night.
Lucy walked up to the building, but Angela waited until she was in and then rode herself home.
Lucy put her keys in the bowl on the island and put her bag down
L: Tam, I'm home!
Tamara walked out of her room.
Ta: Hey!!!
Tamara and Lucy hugged.
Ta: How was work??
L: Well, you know, work. But they asked me something.
Ta: What did they ask?
L: they asked if I would want to go to UC.
Ta: Are you going?
L: Yes, I am.
Ta: When are you leaving?
L: Tomorrow evening, after dinner...
Ta: Is it a bad case?
L: No, just some chemistry thing.
They heard the front door open and keys that were put in a bowl.
T: I'm home!
Tamara and Lucy walked to the kitchen, and Lucy greeted him with a kiss.
Ta: gross
T: Don't be so childish, I have to enjoy this for a moment.
Ta: Yeah, I know.
L: I told her.
T: Okay, so what movie are we gonna watch?
L: I was thinking about a movie but I know you don't like it.
T: Well, what is it?
L: the lion king.
T: I haven't seen that movie in ages.
Ta: What snacks do we want?
L: Some Skittles, please.
T: uhm, popcorn is good.
Tim put his bag down and sat on the sofa with Lucy while Tamara was coming with the snacks.
The movie just finished, and when Tim wanted to stand up, he was blocked by 2 girls who were fast a sleep. Tim picked up Tamara and lay her in her bed, and then came back for Lucy he picked her up gently, but Lucy hummed something.
T: Baby, I can't hear you clearly.
L: I wove u.
Lucy said a little louder.
Tim smiled and felt his heart become warm the same feeling he got when dancing with Lucy for the first time.
T: I love you too.
He said as he dropped a kiss to Lucy's head. He put her in bed and changed into py's he tucked in Lucy and then himself, and they fell asleep.
The next morning:
Tim and Lucy were up early bcs they had planning to do for when Lucy would be undercover, however it always goes the same: Tamara would stay with Tim at his and Tim would go every 2 days to the apartment to water the plants.
Soon, it was 6:30 am, Tamara was awake by now, and Tim had prepared breakfast.
Ta: Good morning
T: Good morning
L: Good morning. How did you sleep?
Ta: besides the fact that I spawned into my bed? Good.
L: You didn't spawn there.
T: I carried you.
Ta: So you do have a heart, after all?
T: Haha, very funny.
L: Come on, guys, sit down and have breakfast.
They all had breakfast, and after Tamara said her goodbyes to Tim and Lucy, who were going to the station.
T: Are you nervous?
L: Honestly not, it's not the first time I have been a chemist.
T: No, but there are different people.
L: Are you nervous about every METRO case?
T: No, but I don't have to hide my identity for those persons.
They got inside and changed into uniform and went into roll call.
G: Okay, settle down, so tonight is officer Chen going undercover, Chen come over.
Lucy went over to Grey and Tim.
T: If you see Officer Chen, let her go unless she does a crime.
G: Night shift did their job, so go find some crime, stay safe, dismissed.
Tim and Lucy set up the shop and went out on patrol.
T: Still not nervous?
L: No, but you definitely are.
T: Well, it's been a while ago when you were out undercover.
L: Yeah, but it's not that long ago.
T: 3 months.
L: Sure, 7-adam-100 Harper, go to Chanel 9.
N: What's up?
L: How do I tell Tim that I'm not nervous about tonight?
N: Well, I get Tim, Donavan was always worrying when I was out, especially the first time after lila was born.
L: And how do I tell him he doesn't have to look at Tamara like she's a baby?
N: Well, you don't, Tim is too protective over you guys for that.
G: Harper, Chen, stop discussing this and go back to work.
L: Yes, sir.
N: Yes, sir.
It was now time for lunch, and they all went to the food trucks where they met up with John, Celina, Nyla, Angela, and Aaron. Tim went to get lunch for Lucy and him.
T: There you go.
L: Thanks.
Ang: So Tim, are you nervous about taking care of Tamara?
T: Not even a little.
L: He has been worrying since he came out of bed.
Aa: Why? Tamara is a smart kid.
T: idk, but I don't take care of her often without Lucy.
N: Well, you know that you can always give her your work phone number?
T: Yeah...
J: she can always stay with me and Bailey if she wants.
Ce: and I?!
J: Come on, you're old enough, besides you can share with Tam.
Aa: Where are you guys staying?
T: we always stay at mine when Lucy's out undercover.
Ang: If you want, Nyla and I could take her out shopping at the weekend?
T: I'll figure something out.
L: As long as you're both alive when I come back.
Ce: it can't be that bad, right?
L: Tim and Tamara were once running around the island while Tamara stood on the island with a knife.
T: That girl is crazy.
J: Just like Lucy
Lunch was over, and they all went back on the streets when Tim and Lucy got a call.
Dispatch: Send an additional unit to Shaw Memorial, teenage girl 17 with multiple stab wounds to the chest.
T: 7-adam-100 show us responding.
L: It's unbelievable that someone can do that to children. This could be Tamara.
T: Tam is too smart for that. You and I both know that.
Tim and Lucy rushed to the hospital, and when they got to the reception and asked where the girl was, the nurse said that she had died on the operation table caused by uncontrollable blood loss.
Lucy was shocked about the news. Tim got his radio out.
T: 7-adam-100 show us code 419 and send detective Harper and Lopez to our last location.
Dispatch: copy
T: What is the girls name?
Nurse: Eloise James
T: Okay, thank you. The detectives will be here in a few to collect the body and search for leads.
Nurse: Thank you.
Tim tapped Lucy's shoulder, and they went outside.
T: Luce, are you okay?
L: uhm, yeah, just shocked, that's all.
T: Could you ask dispatch for the address of Eloise James? I'm gonna update Haper and Lopez.
Lucy nods and takes out her radio.
L: Dispatch, could you run a name for me?
Dispatch: Sure, what's the name?
L: Eloise James.
Dispatch: Parents are divorced, mother lives on Elton Street 5, and father lives in Malibu.
L: Okay thank you.
Tim came back and Lucy gave the information.
T: Okay. Uhm we'll update the mother.
L: Is it hard to tell a parent that there kid died?
T: it's not easy, this is your first child right?
L: Yeah...
T: Well, we'll tell her what happened, when, and when they can collect the body, we'll give us our card and ask her some questions about the kid.
Tim and Lucy got in the shop and went to the mothers house and knocked on the door.
Lucy's pov:
After a while someone opened the door it was a young girl, I assume younger than Eloise around 12? Maybe 13 years old? I asked her who she was.
Kid: Hello, my name is Ruby James, how can I help you?
T: Hey, we would like to talk to your mom. Is she at home?
R: uhm, she's to the store to buy some eggs. Is she I'm trouble?
T: No, we just have some questions for her.
L: Is it okay if we come inside and wait for her with you?
R: I guess it is.
Ruby opened the second door and let us inside, I was curious if she had other siblings.
L: Ruby, do you have siblings?
R: A younger brother Jax about 6 years old and an older sister Eloise she turns 18 next month.
T: Is your father around?
R: No, he abandoned us when we Jax was 2 months old and moved to Malibu.
L: I'm sorry.
Suddenly, I hear the door open, and Ruby runs at her mom.
Rm: Hey honey. Why are these officers here?
T: Hello ma'am, we have questions for you.
Rm: uhm, did I do something?
T: No, we'd just like to ask you some questions.
Rm: uhm, sure, Ruby, would you please take Jax upstairs and give us some privacy?
R: Okay, mom.
I saw Ruby picking up her brother and going upstairs.
L: Ms. James, I think you would like to take a seat.
Rm: What did Eloise do?
She said as she took a seat.
T: uhm, I'm afraid that she was killed this morning.
Rm: omg... h- how?
L: Multiple stab wounds, but we don't have more information. That's why we're here.
T: Did Eloise make trouble with people?
Rm: No, not that I know off.
T: Did she have fights with people?
Rm: n- no, she once had a fight with a girl, but that's 3 years ago.
L: Does she have a boyfriend?
Rm: No, not that I know of.
T: Okay, here is my card. If there comes anything up in your mind, give me a call.
Rm: I will.
L: When her body is cleared, you'll get a call from us.
Rm: Okay.
We walked to the door and let ourselves out. The mother was devastated, I feel so sorry for Jax and Ruby.
3rd person pov:
L: That was intense.
T: Yeah...
L: Does it ever get easier?
T: No, but you'll learn how to handle the situation. You did good.
L: Thanks.
They went back to the station to clock out and get ready to go home where they were greeted by Tamara and the smell of lasagne.
Ta: Hey guys, are you guys hungry?
T: I could use some food, what are you cooking?
Ta: Lasagne, you want some?
L: Yes, please!
Lucy said, coming back from her bedroom where she had been packing for the UC case.
T: T, did you pack all the stuff you need?
Ta: Yup, it's next to the couch.
T: Okay, I'll go put this all in the truck.
L: Hurry up, I want food.
Ta: Here you go, Luce.
L: Thank you.
Ta: Are you nervous?
Ta: Loud and clear.
L: Thank you.
they laughed. When Tim got back, they all had dinner, and after dinner, it was time to say goodbye to Lucy. Tim and Lucy hugged.
T: I'm gonna miss you.
L: I'm gonna miss you as well, just promise me one thing.
T: Anything you want.
L: Please take good care of Tamara, for me, would ya?
T: I promise.
They kissed and let go of each other than it was Tamaras turn to say goodbye.
L: Please, don't kill Tim.
Ta: Can't make any promises.
L: Listen to him, like you listen to me.
Ta: So don't listen?
Lucy playfully hit Tamara and laughed.
Ta: I will.
L: I'm gonna miss you.
Ta: I will miss you too.
Tamara had a tear drop her eyes. This was always hard for her. Saying goodbye to Lucy was one of the hardest things Tamara did.
Ta: Please promise me one thing.
L: Sure, anything.
Ta: Don't die, please.
L: You know that I can't promise those things, but I'll try.
Ta: Thanks.
Lucy's taxi arrived
L: Well, I guess I have to go now.
Tamara, Lucy and Tim hugged each other until Lucy's taxi honked.
L: That's my sign, I love you both very much, and I'll see you guys soon.
Ta: Bye Luce.
T: Catch those assholes and stay safe, baby.
Lucy nodded and went into the taxi.
Tamara went to Tim and hugged him tight, crying in his chest.
Tim's pov:
I always knew that Tamara had trouble saying goodbye to Lucy. The least i could do is be there for her. I hugged her back and kissed her forehead.
''She'll be okay, kiddo'' I said, hoping that I would be right.
We got into the truck and went to my place. Once we arrived, I helped Tamara settle in her room.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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