A love letter

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Dear Matt

Hi, so I know that I haven't known you for so long, but I want to tell you that you are important to me. You light up my day better than a lamp does. When I'm with you, it feels like the whole world stops. I don't care about anything. It's just me and you. And I love that when I'm alone with you there's no awkward moments, we just keeps talking like we've know each other forever. After I've been with you I just can't stop smiling. You make me forget the things I don't love about myself. You make me feel beautiful. I've never met someone like you. You're smart, funny, sweet, and sometimes you use words that I don't understand, and it annoys me a little bit. But it's cute.

It's been a long time since I've been or talked with you, and it hurts me a little. I've been stressed for a long time and I need someone to talk to. And I want it to be you. I need it to be you. I need you. I need to forget the world a little bit and just be with you. Talk to you. Tell you all my problems. But you're not here, and I can't change that.

When I'm not with you, I wonder what you do, where you are, who you're with, if you are having a great time without me. I wonder if you are thinking of me, just as much as I am thinking of you. If you ever think: "What if she was here, would it be more fun then?"

I hope this didn't got awkward for you; I just wanted you to know. I needed you to know, because I want to know if you feel the same way.

When I'm alone, I get sad, I feel like there is someone missing in my heart.
And then I realize it's you. But maybe that's how it is, to fall love.

Love, Annie
hahahahha, kleint men hva synes dere? Dette er faktisk skrevet rett fra hjertet, er egentlig en innlevering jeg hadde i engelsk, men jeg var helt seriøs. Var skikkelig forelsket i en gutt akkurat da, og det hjalp veldig å skrive ned alt jeg følte. Kleint, men ja.

en samling av teksterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora