Chapter 1

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"Harry! Can you please come with me to Niall's party tonight?" Kourtney asks while brushing her long bright pink hair in front of the mirror and putting on her black eyeliner.

"I don't know Kourt, m' not really in the mood to go out" He says, from where he's laying on bed scrolling through his phone.

"Come on! If you come I'll hook you up with a really really pretty boy" She turns around, brush still in hand, wearing a shit eating grin on her face before she sprints towards the bed and jumps on Harry's back. "Mmph" He groans, "May I ask why you're trying to bribe me with pretty boys?"

"Because I really want you to come to this party with me Haz" Harry cranes his neck to look at her with his eyebrows furrowed. Kourtney sticks her bottom lip out and widens her eyes a little to make it look believable. "You look like a three year old Kourt" 

She groans, "Harry come on! I need your help to ask Nicki out." She starts beating him with the brush.

"Oh so that's what this is about huh? You just want me to go so I'll be your wing man, and then what? Ditch me? No thank you" He says while trying to escape the powerful blows of the brush.

 Kourtney groans again, still htting him. "It's not like that! I also promised to find you a pretty boy didn't I?, it's about time you got laid pal" Harry pushes her off his back and she falls off the bed. "I don't need to get laid" He glares at her from where she's landed on the floor. "You just want me to get a boyfriend so you can ask me about our sex life"

"Can you blame me? Gay sex is hot!" Harry sighs. "You do realize you have more than one gay friend right?" She nods her head frantically. "So why don't you go stalk their love life?" He raises his eyebrows at her as he sits up on the bed.

 "Because I'm more interested in yours" Harry sighs. "Even if I were to get a boyfriend, don't you think that telling you about what we do in the bedroom is pretty strange?" She gets up and and brushes off her black leather high waisted skirt and her black crop top. "Nope, not at all" Harry groans. "You're something else"

"But anyway aside from all that, will you come with me?" She pouts again, using her best puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, fine!" He points his finger at her, "But if you don't ask Nicki out tonight, then you can forget about me doing anymore favors for you" He gets up and walks to the bathroom to start getting ready.

"Oh don't you worry about me Hazzykins, this is about finding you a pretty boy!"

"Shut up"


They park in front of Niall's house where there are a few people, but not a lot. Makes sense because they did show up pretty early. Niall's parents are gone for the weekend, so he decided to throw a party just because. The house was already pumping with music and colorful strobe lights could be seen flashing from the outside. When they walk in they see couples making out on the couches, people dancing in the middle of the room where space has been made for a makeshift dance floor, and Niall already drunk dancing on a table screaming at the top of his lungs.

"Harry! Kourtney!" Niall jumps down from the table to greet them. "So glad you guys could make it!" He slurs as he slings an arm around both of their shoulders.

"Yeah, good to see you Ni!" Kourtney yells over the music. "Have you seen Nicki anywhere?" She asks as she takes Niall's arm off her shoulder. "Nah not yet" he says and then runs somewhere in the crowd where they can't see him anymore. "Well okay"

"He always gets like that when he's drunk, one minute he's all hyper and having a conversation with you and then the next he just up and disappears and we find him passed out on the floor somewhere with food in his mouth" Kourtney snorts, "That's Niall for ya" Harry nods as they walk towards the kitchen to get a drink.

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