Chapter 1) Goodbyes and the truth?

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Cries echoed down the corridor of the school and from corner to corner you can see students weeping. "YUUUUUKIIIII" shouted a young man with bright silver eyes and black hair, with the colour red at the tip of his hair strands. As he burst out in to tears, his eyes being as wide as the moon, the young lady with shimmering pink hair and glowing red eyes, Yuki, consolidated him and as she was wiping his tears she said, "Don't cry Flynn, I'll see you some other time! You down for summer holidays?". Even though she knew she may never see him again, she had to calm the friend down. "Sure, you better come visit our school sometime, okay?" replied her dear friend Flynn who proceeded to wipe his remaining tears away. The Wholesome moment was soon interrupted by a fierce woman, "heh, everyone look at Flimsy Flynn crying for the millionth time! Don't worry Yuki, I'll take real good care of him..." said the fierce woman while patting hard on Flynn's back. Her pat on the back knocked over Flynn and he tumbled to the ground. His glasses were right next to him but he could not see. So who is this woman? You will find out who she is just a bit later so let's save the introduction of this woman for now. "KNOCK IT OFF!" shouted Yuki as she rushed over to help Flynn stand up. As Yuki was collecting Flynn's glasses from the ground, the woman swiped it right from her arms. "Your telling me to knock it off! Haha and what are you going to do? You don't want me to embarrass you again like last session in Physical Education when we did martial arts right?" snickered the woman. The woman then kicked Yuki down to the ground, crushed Flynn's glasses and left with her friends. Yuki after a little while of groaning in pain, stood up and told Flynn that "if she ever bullies you again Flynn, I will involve the police. You know the power of my dad but I'm only going easy on her because I did not want things to get serious. Though if she steps out of the line one more time, she will get what's coming for her. Also don't worry about your glasses, you can have mine because I finally aced that sight test and I don't have a number anymore woohoo!!! Exclaimed Yuki going from a furious tone to a celebratory tone. "Now bye Flynn, So long sucker!" Yuki screamed at the top of her lungs and ran straight out of the school to her parent's car. Though at what cost did she leave that school? leaving her fame of being loved by everyone except...(you know!), friends and most especially her best friend Flynn, behind.

Why did she leave school? Well...

Short answer: Bullying.

Long Answer: Charlotte, the woman who annoyed her and Flynn, who is also the most infamous bully at her school, constantly bullied her for being adopted and for her not knowing her biological parents. Charlotte keeps on making remarks on how her biological parents did not care about her and that's why they left.

There also exists a secret reason that is the key reason why she must transfer.

The Secret Answer: Unknown to Charlotte or Flynn, Yuki was given a letter that was made before she was born by her biological parents. Yuki's foster parents, Michael and Susan, were tasked by Yuki's biological parents to safeguard the letter until Yuki turns 16. When is her 16th birthday? Flashback to the day before she left the school!

The day before she left school:

The dazzling sun glared down the window beaming on to Yuki's face, the sudden warmth startled her and she started to burn from the inside. Yuki shot up from her bed and yawned loudly. The night before, she could not sleep as she was too excited for her birthday that was today. The Dark eyebags under her eyes were easily wiped out by her facewash when she went to go wash her face and brush her teeth. She got changed into her school uniform and headed downstairs. "Yuki! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR!" Susan exclaimed and ran straight up to Yuki and gave her thousands of kisses which for her felt like an eternity. Yuki's eyes unexpectedly glowed bright red as soon as she saw that her mother made her favourite breakfast, pancakes with butterscotch ice cream. Her mother glanced at Yuki's eyes as she was gobbling those pancakes down her throat. Her glance went from happiness to horror real quick. Her eyes widened and went in to deep thinking, stress marks all over her faces. She told Yuki, "I'll be right back dear, I'm going to the bathroom". She quietly headed to the bathroom and started hyperventilating knowing what will happen this week to Yuki. She pulled out her mobile phone and called her husband, Michael, "Michael we are so foolish, today is the fated day, we must tell Yuki." Michael then replied "okay, I am just going to tell my manager that I am going to use an emergency leave, I'll see you soon honey." Susan rushed back out of the bathroom creating a temporary happy face. She asked Yuki, "do you want more? Have as much as you want!". Yuki gave a quick reply, "hehehe, don't mind if I do then!". "Oh yeah Yuki, today I am not letting you go to school at all costs. We have something important to discuss and we can't wait till after school." Ordered Yuki's Mom. At first Yuki thought is it about her adoption? Then she realized their parents already told her when she was young, so there couldn't be any secret anything bigger than that. She headed upstairs to change. As she was changing, her dad came back to the house and sat down with Susan who was seated downstairs. "Honey I brought the "letter, it's time to tell her the truth!" informed Michael. Yuki thought to herself what letter? What was the secret? What truth are they talking about?

Find out next chapter!

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