9. you see them too, dont you?

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The stubborn teenage girl grumbled out mumbled curses as she watches it due to the children surrounding her. "I don't want to, I want to stay with Tsukimi." The short black spiky haired boy says, stubbornly. His brows furrowed down and he pushed the plate of olives he had taken off of his pizza and placed it on the glass plate. Tsukimi; his older sister merely smiled and chuckles slightly — "You said you wouldn't do this to Gojo-sensei." The young girl says, smiling as she eats the olives from his plate.

"You can't go with your sister because it's her class trip, not yours." The teen sorceress reasons, trying to get it through a small young black haired raven boy she got along the way. Then a terrible and a sort of stupid idea came to Y/N's mind of course she'd think of something like this — she's Gojo.

She lifted megumi's bag, placed necessities and some food as well as tons of sweets ( never for Megumi , more for her ) and then she carried it on her left hand and she squatted down and wore a mischievous grin. "Hey, how would you feel if we went somewhere together?? Isn't that fun!" Megumi stares at the concerningly happy woman before he sweatdrops.

"Where to." He'd like to know first of course.

"In another city, how about we have fun and eat pizza?" Y/N grins wildly and then her eyes narrow behind her sunglasses as she did not wait for the response and then held Megumi in her arms and placed an infinity barrier around the two of them so he'd be safe.

Then she warped to the location she received on her phone, startling a certain ginger who was seemingly awaiting her presence . He stiffened and then shook his head multiple times.

"No. Hell no, are you out of your mind?? What kind of brain do you have to which makes you bring a child into port mafia grounds?" He asks, brows furrowed as he eyed the two.

Megumi stares at the ginger, nonchalantly when he looks up at Y/N. "Where are we?" He asks, causing Y/N to chuckle. "We're in Yokohama." Placing the raven black haired boy down but never too far from her as she watches his reaction; nothing at all. He didn't even react.

"I thought we were going out for pizza." Megumi says, giving Y/N a stink eye as she shrugs and then ruffled his spiky hair up. "Of course we are. later though, alright?" Y/N spoke, humming as a black longish car pulled up and then the door opens and revealed a figure a familiar one.

Dazai Osamu; the enigma of a man. He was sitting at the seat closest to the window and he blinks curiously when both Y/N and Chuuya follow him in the mobile, but with a kid.

"You do know where we are headed to right? It is indeed dangerous for a child to come along." Dazai speaks up, the car had already been driving off to the direction. Megumi sat on Y/N's lap and she opened up his bag and took out noise canceling headphones and placed it on the little boys ears. She hums and played music by her IPOD and turn to look at her comrades for now.

"Of course I do, none of my friends and no way am I asking any relative to look after him and his sister is on a class field trip." Y/N explains, her voice softly hoarse and she notices it and clears her throat. "So your best idea was to bring him??" Chuuya asks, perplexed at the idea itself.

"Huh, it was my only idea." A shrug.

Both males stare at the female as one and the other show different expression — the ginger slightly more deadpannish and the brunette amused. Very amused.

"Well, that's fine." Dazai exclaims letting out a loud groan as he relaxes on the rich leather seat and eyes the world with one eye, an uninterested look on his face which slowly softens. "How many more of hideouts do we have to do?? This is becoming a routine." A buzzed out look was the expression drawn on the females face.

"A few left, but a few bastards have been shipping them out of the country for foreign organizations." Chuuya lets out a 'Tch' after his sentence.

"Oh? That must suck bad," quickly fishing into the bag the raven black hair boy; Megumi owned and pulling out three lollipops, Chupa Chuups. Dazai gladly takes it and unwrapped it as his partner did the same, a nonchalant look on their face.

"Can you control gravity or sum?" Chuuya was the first to ask, staring right at the white pretty locks then switching it to stare into those hidden cerulean irises. "What? nah." And that was all.

No explanation, no nothing, no yada yada. The ginger raised a brow as he continues on sucking the lollipop, his growing ginger hair ( well slightly ) peeking from the space. "Then what?"

Y/N offers a chuckle, completely ignoring the curious male question. "Ah well, i can control space and infinity, infinity exists everywhere around us. My techn- I mean, ability allows me to bring it to life." She hummed as she ran her fingers through Megumi's hair, eyeing Chuuya.

"You have quite a bit of cursed energy, you see them too right? Curses." And Chuuya stiffens and which led her to the obvious answer. He can see curses yet most likely kept quiet about it because some people who aren't jujutsu sorcerers believe they are crazy if they see things other people cannot. Chuuya sweatdrops and his shoulder drops and he sucked a bit harsher.

Dazai watches the interaction between the two, so Chuuya was able to see curses, what of it? He shrugs mentally but cannot shake of the idea of what one may look like.

He would grow to regret it.


Fast forward on the car ride stop, You decided on bringing Megumi out since one ; he still has infinity protecting him and two; you did not trust to leave him in the car by himself. You lifted him and he was slightly tired and sleeping with his head on your shoulder — you release a soft sigh and then continue on walking until the hideout was in sight.

Chuuya placed his hands in his pockets and turns to face Dazai. "Ya got the information?" He questions. "You think I'd forget?" The brunette smirks and the trio steps foot into the lions den.

Unaware for now.

HI HI sorry late update ;(( was honestly not motivated at all

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HI HI sorry late update ;(( was honestly not motivated at all.

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