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I will never lose hope, are the 5 simple words I say to myself. I guess it's another day of being me again. I got off my bed and went outside. The air touched my skin and I started to relax.

"What are you doing out here?" mumbled someone behind me. I turned around, walked inside passing Damon. He was my foster brother.

"Why do you care?" I whispered sitting on the porch couch.

"Erin? Your shirt is on backward" he said sitting next to me.

"Stop making fun of me"

"ok just trying something new, that's all" he whispered to my ear moving closer.

"Yah and what is that suppose to be" I said moving away from him. He moved closer and I was stuck at the edge of the couch.

"Oh nothing special just helping cute blind girls" he put his hand on my leg and started to move up. I pushed it away and stood up.

"Stop being a pervert" I said picking my stick up. "For all I know you might be an old man with a little girls voice"

"first of all I'm not an old man with this sexy body and I don't sound like a little girl" he whined.

"and last time I remember I can't see your so called sexy body and yes you most definitely have a little girls voice, I'm blind not deaf" I laughed my way into the house.

"Shut up retard" he yelled behind me.

"oh so now you're mean to retarded people" I called out.

"I never said that" he said putting his arms around my waist and pulling me close to him. He held me tight against his body.

"What the heck are you doing, you dork." i grabbed his hands and pushed them away. I ran to the living room going behind my foster mom.

"Mother Damon is being a weirdo"

"Erin go upstairs" she screamed. "And don't call me that again." Mother- she hates it when I call her that but I'm used to it and she does stuff like this all the time, Damon does something wrong and I'm to get in trouble. She is rude and doesn't listen to me because I am the girl everyone in the foster home hates. I was never blind. I was two years old when my parents were drunk driving .So they got in a car accident and when the police found my parents car I was the only one there with blood all over me and I got eye damaged and lost my sight. No one knows if my parents are dead or alive. All the police told me was that I was the only one found in the car. Now I have been going to this foster house since I was five. Who wants to adopt a blind child.

"Why do you do this to me?" I say to him.

"Do what? I was just trying to hug you. Nothing more" he said touching my face.

"Stop that. Don't touch me. Don't talk to me. Don't do anything that has to relate with me" I said entering my room and slamming the door behind me. I moved to my bed and pushed my knees to my chest after sitting. I don't want to live here. I tried running away but I'm always in the wrong places. I was about to go to sleep when I heard a knock.

"Leave me alone" I yelled at the door. The knock came again and this time I don't face the direction to the door but the window.

"Who is it?" I ask. Then I hear the window opened and loud thud on the ground. "Who is there" I repeat this time louder. Footsteps get closer and closer to my direction.

"I swear I will scream if you don't leave. A...a...and there is an evil w...woman that owns this house so it's best if you leave." I stutter.

"Be quite" a man's voice whispers. He grabs my arm and pulls me up fast.

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