10. when a child acts 27

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐒𝐓 ೀA/N ; megumi's age is not the canon one due to the difference in the plot, I cannot follow the ages so sorry for confusion

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A/N ; megumi's age is not the canon one due
to the difference in the plot, I cannot follow the ages so sorry for confusion.

Megumi continued to rest with one of the most expensive noise canceling headphones out in the 2000's. Continuing to carry the nine year old who was fast asleep against the crook of Y/N's shoulder. Y/N was told to wait a bit as both Dazai and Chuuya ventured through the hideout themselves, she protested saying how it would be boring but then thought of just resting which seemed to please her.

Sighing out of boredom as she awaited the two's arrival, sitting on a halved tree and cradling Megumi in her arms. Tilting her head to the side as she hears a very familiar dramatic flair screams, recognizing it as the arrogant redhead.

How ironic?

"I should be out partying and having fun, instead I'm watching and taking care of brats." She sighs, watching Megumi squirm in her hold and drool a bit, goobs on his mouth. Y/N stares at him for a little moment, before she chuckles at the sight and swiftly take her phone out and took the picture.

"Heh, cute." She puts the phone away and then watches how two teenagers stalk towards her, Dazai had already long gone placed his gun back into his holster. Chuuya walking towards the female alongside Dazai — looking calmish.

"Mission went well?"

Y/N asks, holding Megumi properly when she watches Dazai nod. "Mhm, one of my squads will be here in two minutes to pick and bring the weapons back to the base." He says, wiping the blood off of his white blouse. "Alright, any idea where the other weapons may be kept?" Y/N questions, crossing her arms with Megumi still latched onto her.

"Our agents are still working on it but, we've got info that it may be out of the country — specifically in France. But considering how long ago the weapons were taken and the flights were down, it must've been shipped." Dazai speaks up.

"Oh, that's such a pain." She sighs, brows furrowed and forehead scrunched up. "Yeah for us, you didn't even do anything." Chuuya barked, exclaiming in a high pitched voice with furrowed brows. "Yeah well, I didn't wanna get scolded again by my teacher so you know." She causally shrugs.

"You're the 'strongest' and you still have to listen to other people?" Dazai chimed in, rather curious as to why she would follow orders from people below her. "I do occasionally." Y/N replied back — she opened the door and then entered first.

She merely opened the door for herself, causing Chuuya to deadpanned. "She has no filter at all." Dazai raised a brow before shrugging and entering right after.

The driver begins to drive as there was a divider that halfed the front row car and the back, Y/N grinned widely as she holds Megumi. "Sooo tell me where you guys are from? Any uh origins?" She slumped right after. Chuuya raised a brow at her behavior as he is blinked and groaned; not so sure honestly.

"Why should we tell you??? You didn't even tell us anything about you besides boasting of your title." Chuuya replied back — hesitant to tell. Trust issues. "You don't know how to make friends do you.." Y/N sighs, brows raised and then she smiled.

"What was that?" Chuuya says, agitated — the sight of Chuuya easily being teased and irritated by the white haired was enough to make the brunette release a few giggles of his own. "Fine, so my favorite food is kifuku mochi. I like all flavors can't decide, I eat a ton of sweets, my fingers are six inches long — use that information as you please. I like shopping and eating, I don't have a hobby because it's for the futures benefit." Y/N stops, still grinning as she awaits their responses.

"What the fu-"

"Now now Chuuya, settle down dog." Dazai quipped, grinning widely as she faced Y/N and his red haired partner. "Alright my turn! I'm Dazai Osamu, I love suicide, I hate pain and suffering. I wish to be able to die without feeling pain because pain sucks, I do drink and I prefer sake." Dazai says, eyes shining as he thought about suicide.

Chuuya grumbled beneath his breath at the brunettes antics and words, per usual. "Suicidal bastard.." Chuuya says, rubbing his forehead. Though Y/N on the other hand had her brows furrowed as she stares at Dazai.

"Huh..most people I know wish to be saved and helped, you're the first person I know who wants to die." She says, she was concerned for the teen. He hasn't experienced the fullness in life, youth was stripped from him the moment he got his hands dirtied by someone's blood.

"Really? It's an honor." Dazai wore a crooked grin. Y/N stares at him — not with pity no, but with an inappropriate amount of confusion. Just what had happened to make this young teen so interested in dying? It's hard to believe for her, she was once on the brink of death herself. she's watched classmates die, people die, and she knows that most of them would come back alive any day.

At least she thinks, she looked away — being brought up in a spoiled and luxurious childhood did not mean her life was easy. Sure being the strongest was cool and all but, the stress is overpowering. "Uh..yeah." She replied, unaware of what she could possibly reply to that.

He's the first person she knows who wants to die, excluding enemies who are in far too much pain but this isn't about that. Y/N eyes the two of them, young yet hands dirtied with blood —youth stripped away from them. She doesn't know much about them, her brows furrowed.

No one should take youth away from children. Children should learn to grow in their own pace and time, a cruel and unforgiving act if a child is acting 25 at the age of 4.

"Hey, do you want to go somewhere?" Y/N chimed, attempting to make at least one day a bit better. "You're very interested in being around us," Dazai's lips thinned. "I'll have to report to the boss and then I guess we can go."

"Alright," She grinned slyly.

010 FIN.

This took a little while sorry for the wait guys, the plot will get much more interesting I swear.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐒𝐓 ?! ೀ FEMGOJO!READER X BSDWhere stories live. Discover now