Chapter 4 : Romanticized the lies (part IV)

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The next day, Jennette decided to dig deep into the current financials involving the empire. She recognised some questionable decisions Anasticius made. She did what she had to do. She stole some of the tax money and repayed some of the low class and middle class. It wasn't much and she knew in the long run it might be bad for the empire, for her to give away the tax money like this. But for the empire to live a little. This had to be done.

She was successfully able to get away with it because no one was able to think of her as smart enough to do such a thing. Her past thoughtless-ness gave advantage to her current self.

Her days were going like that, researching about black magic and stealing tax money and distributing them. And repeat. It was a petty way for her to amend for her sins, crimes that won't let her sleep. That was until she again saw the raven head.

He seemed to be heading towards his tower. Jennette was struck with a risky and impulsive plan. She has read about a certain demon summon that may help her. It was a risky plan, that may end up with her dying. But she doesn't care. She has nothing to live for. Jennette glared at Lucas. She has made up her mind. If she leaves this kingdom to her father further, the empire will die. She has to bring back Claude de Alger Obelia.

She has to protect the actual princess. Her life be damned.

She followed Lucas into the towers location. She used her black magic to sheild herself. In order for him to not detect her. She stayed outside the tower once Lucas was inside. As soon as she saw Lucas leaving the tower, she entered the tower.

Immediately going for the bookshelfs, trying to find the book She was looking for. After some minutes of back and forth. She finally saw a silver book with black symbols on it. She took it out. As soon as she touched it. The book glowed into a shiny golden ray. Blinding Jennette from seeing anything.

Lucas entered the room, surprised to see Jennette. Before he could reach out. Jennette disappeared into thin air. Along with the silver book. Jennette on the other hand, found herself face to face with yellow animal like eyes. The demon she was looking for.

To be continued

This is the story of the lovely knight.


The author here.
These four chapters were actually the one chapter of "lovely knight" I wrote on Ao3.

I decided to post it here to for my Jennette lovers.

Hope you like it. <3

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