After Angel's return to the hotel

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Husk is still down at the bar waiting for Angel. Suddenly, he bursts through the door.

Husk: Hey, Angel.

Angel: Hi.

Angel is in a bad mood and it's very clear that he's high.

Husk: Woah, Angel, what happened?

Angel: Doesn't matter, I'm heading off to bed.

Angel makes his way to the stairs, but can't keep his balance, so he falls over. Conveniently, Husk catches him.

Husk: Woah, easy there, Angie! You're high out of your mind! What happened?

Angel grunts.

Angel: As if you would care!

Husk: What...what are you talking about?

Angel: Why would you care?

Husk: Why wouldn't I care?

Angel: Oh come on! You can cut the act already!

Husk: Angel, what the fuck are you talking about?

Angel rolls his eyes, stands up, and tries to make his way up the stairs, but falls. Husk catches him again.

Husk: Look, Angel, I have no idea what you're talking about, but I do know, that you won't get to your bedroom unless I carry you, so that's what I'm going to do.

Angel has an angry look on his face, but doesn't protest. Husk carries him to his bed.

Husk: Angel, can you please just tell me what's going on? What happened?

Angel: And why would you even care?

Husk: Because I about you, okay? Please just tell me what's going on!

Angel: I guess he was right.

Husk: Who was right? Angel, please! Tell me what you're talking about!

Angel: I'm just...not in the mood to talk right now, okay? Just...go to bed!

Husk pulls him in for a hug.

Husk: Please, tell me what's wrong tomorrow then, okay?

Angel shoves him away. Husk sighs.

Husk: Good night, Angel.

Angel: Night.

Husk goes to his own room instead of sleeping in Angel's bed like the last few nights. Angel cries himself to sleep quickly, but Husk just can't sleep. What was Angel talking about? Who was he talking about?

Angel's dream

He appears to be in some sort of dark room.

Angel: Hello? Where am I?

Husk: Oh, hello, Angel. You finally ready to talk?

Angel: Alright...It was just...Val said something shitty i the studio...

Husk: Oh...are you...are you better now?

A tear escapes Angel's eye while he smiles.

Angel: Yeah, I think so...thank you.

They smile at each other. Husk smirks.

Husk: Do you maybe want...a little distraction?

He starts taking off Angel's top. Angel pulls away slightly.

Angel: Um...there's actually something I wanted to tell you...

Husk: Can't that wait? Let's get your mind off of things.

He continues taking off Angel's shirt, but Angel stops him.

Angel: Before we continue this, I just wanted to tell you that... I really like you...a lot. And...I thought that...maybe me too?

Husk pulls away and smirks, then starts laughing hysterically.

Angel: What...huh?

Husk continues laughing and points his finger at Angel.

Husk: Did you really think I could actually like you? No one could ever actually like you, slut! You're just good for sex, nothing more!

Angel looks shocked and backs away, but then bumps into someone.

Valentino: Oh, you should have listened to me. How could you be so foolish and think someone could like you? That someone could love you.

Val smirks at him and Husk moves closer. Just then, Husk and Valentino start kissing passionately.

Husk: Now come have some fun with us, slut!

Angel falls onto the ground and backs away.

Angel: No! No, this can't be! No! No!

He wakes up. Just then, Husk bursts through his door.

Husk: Angel, are you alright? You were screaming!

Husk walks up to him and pulls him into an embrace, but Angel backs away.

Sorry for the cliffhanger, hope you still enjoyed this chapter

Also, 1k reads?? That's crazy!! TYSM

Huskerdust (Angeldust x Husk) after finaleWhere stories live. Discover now