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Mitsuko had a difficult childhood. Her father was a villian and her mother was a hero. She lived with the Bakugous, her family on her dads side. Let's start from the beginning shall we?

"Congratulations, it's a girl" the nurse said handing Anan her daughter, she had her mothers pink ish skin, her yellow eyes, her muted blue and blonde hair...however she had her fathers animalistic nose, there were brown tips in her hair and she had the same black triangle over nose, the same tail, ears and horns. She was a mix of both parents. She was a true beauty but oh how her character would change...

"Mitsuko hoshimi Bakugou-kurose, that's her name" Anan smiled sweetly at Mitsuki, Mitsuko's aunt. She was an angel and when it came to defending Anan against the abuse of her husband, Mitsuki's brother in-law, she would do it instantly. The Bakugou's welcomed mitsuko with open arms and raised her along side her mother, she stayed at the bakugou's house to keep her safe. Her mother was a hero you see, so she was often at work but when she wasn't she went over to the Bakugou's house to see her daughter.

"She did great today, tomorrows her first day at school, would you like to take her in?" Mitsuki said softly holding Anan's arm gently, "yes, yes I'll take the little ones in tomorrow" Anan said happily as she hugged Mitsuki before leaving the house, already saying good night to the kids earlier.


"I'm leaving now auntie!" Mitsuko said grabbing her bag and putting on her Mary janes, and dashing out the door to meet up with Raine.

"Rainey! Over here!" Mitsuko said running to her best friend watching them put their phone in their pocket, and smile brightly at her, "hey mitsy, where's kats?" Mitsuko's tail dropped a bit, "he left earlier....you know him, he doesn't like me." Mitsuko looked down trying to stop her tears. Raine looked at her, they knew how Katsuki treated Mitsuko but they couldn't do anything, the last time they tried it didn't end well.

The two made it to school, holding pinkies as they entered their classroom taking their seats, Mitsuko was next to katsuki and Raine was behind her. "Hey cuz..how are you?" Mitsuko asks trying to get some form of response out of him, "I'm fine you fucking freak." Katsuki spat, he didn't mean it, he never meant a word of the rude things he'd say to her.


"Are you telling me that that freak girl is your cousin?" Katsukis friends asked pulling on Mitsukos ears knowing she couldn't resist "I said shut up. Let's just deal with stupid Deku and leave." He said angrily, even though he claimed to hate her and said all those horrible things, he never meant it. His ego was simply too big to let her know he cared. He went on with his constant torment on Izuku,he treated her the same way he treated izuku, shitty.

He pushed midoriya to the ground and let his two friends pick on him as he made his way over to izuku's bag and picked up his note book, burning it to a crisp. Raine was being held back by another one of katsuki's minions, Mitsuko's eyes widen when she see's the boy pulling on Raine's long yellow hair, they had rendered them completely helpless.

"Why don't you just go back to your pathetic quirkless life, and you-" he turns to mitsuko "-go and jump off our roof, the world will be better when your gone you freak." Katsuki's friends snickered as one of boys tormenting izuku went over to the imp and pulled up her sleeves showing her Self-Harm scars, katsuki's eyes showed a look of pure shock, regret, anger and sadness for a second before he let out a 'tch' sound and left, his minions following behind.

"Fucking asshole" Mitsuko said as her, Raine and Izuku were fetching his notebook from a fish pond. "I'm sorry about him guys I just don't know how to get him to stop.." she said through angry tears as she paused and then dashed off leaving Izuku and Raine worried about her safety...and they were right to be so.

Mitsuko stood on the roof of the Bakugou's house planning to jump, to end her miserable life. She had sent katsuki a text that he hadn't opened yet. She heard the gentle sway of the trees, her calm breathing, the beautifully lit city. She would miss it when she was gone, she steps closer to the edge taking in everything around her for what she thought was the last time.

Katsuki opened her message and his eyes widened in shock, dropping his phone to the floor, was it too late?... He sprinted to her room opening the door only to be met with a spotless room. He curses to himself and runs down to his parents, who are watching TV, "where is she?!" They look confused and ask, "where's who?" Katsuki breathing gets heavier as he replies, "mitsuko!!" His parents shrug, their now worried and before they have time to ask what's going katsuki is already up the stairs dashing to the roof staircase.

His heart beats a million miles an hour as he stares at the back of her head, she's wearing one of his shirts and a pair of boxers, her hair is up in a ponytail and her tail is swishing sadly. He pulls her away from the ledge when she tries to jump, he brings her into his strong embrace, holding her, protecting her. "Your not going anywhere" he whispered kissing the side of her head trying not to cry, he gently rocks her back and forth "I'm so sorry mits, I never meant to hurt you...I love you so much." He kisses the side of her hair again.

That really is a past worth forgetting.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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