A perfect day (Hyunbin)

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                                                                  Hyunjin POV

I was sitting in my room painting and listening to music, I had no clue what the others were doing since the dorm was quiet, I checked my phone to see if anyone had sent something and saw that Chan had gone to the studio with Jeongin and Seungmin while Jisung and Minho were out to some cafe or something and Felix was with some friends from another group. I heard the front door open before I could read what Changbin had said and his loud voice called out that he was back from the gym. "I guess I don't have to read where he was," I laughed to myself as I tried to collect myself after the scare he gave me. "Anyone home?" I heard him ask, "I'm here Binnie," I called out from my room and soon he appeared at my door. "Hey Jinnie what are you doing?" he asked, "I was having some calm alone time and painting," I said blushing slightly as he looked at my painting. "How nice, it's a nice painting," he said and smiled at me in that way that would make me feel like I would melt, "Have you eaten lunch yet?" he asked but I shook my head. "I'll take a shower and then we'll go out, my treat and also I need to go shopping for some new clothes and would be happy for your help," he said and I agreed. 

As Changbin left my room to take a shower I finished up the detail I was painting before I cleaned away the colors and went to wash my hands, while I got dressed I listened to Changbin who was singing goofy songs in the bathroom and it made me laugh. One thing not many people knew was that I had a big crush on Changbin, the only ones that knew from me telling them was Felix and Han as I had admitted to them during a short truth or dare game. I was pretty nervous but excited as I sat with my phone on the sofa and waited for Changbin to get ready. "Let's go," I soon heard him say and I looked up and saw him standing there in a tight black t-shirt that made his muscles visible and a comfortable pair of jeans. I blinked a few times as I tried not to stare too much 'cause damn he looked so hot. I got up and we grabbed our coats and shoes and then we left, "What do you want to eat?" he asked me and I thought for a moment, "Pasta," I said and he smiled, "Pasta it is then," he said and we walked to a pasta place that our group loved.

He kept his word and treated me to the pasta and while we ate we talked about music and a little bit of everything, he helped me talk about some ideas I wanted to write songs for and he of course offered to help me with the songs. "What clothes do you need?" I asked and he thought for a moment, "A little bit of everything, while I like tight clothes I don't like when stiff is too small," he said and I chuckled, "Fair enough," I said and after he had paid for the food we walked to a mall where I knew some good shops.

I knew he liked darker colors and so I helped him pick out some fits and he tried them on and asked for my opinions, one of them was a dark blue t-shirt with a pair of jeans in a washed out black with a nice black trench coat and I almost lost my breath when he walked out in that. Because of all the black around it the dark blue of the shirt popped really well, "That one is nice Binnie," I said keeping my voice as steady as I could with the great view in front of me. "It's also comfy I usually have a hard time finding jeans that feels this comfy," he said in awe and I smiled, "This store is great for softer kinds of jeans," I said and he nodded and walked back into the changing room. He ended up buying two outfits from that store and we continued to a where we could buy shoes which was something I also needed.

As we walked around looking at shoes our hands brushed and I could feel my cheeks heat up a lot, "Jinnie are you okay?" he asked and I saw him looking at me, "I-I'm fine," I said and looked away, "You want a break? There's a nice cafe close to here," he said and I nodded. We walked out of the shop and went to the cafe and I could feel that he was worried so I guess that my face was still really red. "Are you sure you're okay?" he asked as he came to the table I found after he bought out drinks, I sighed and nodded before I took a sip of my iced coffee which relaxed me and cooled me down. "Can... Um... Can we take a walk before we go home?" I asked and he smiled, "Of course," he said and smiled at me, I could tell that he was still worried but he seemed happy by my question. We didn't shop anymore after the break at the cafe, instead we just took a walk at a park between the mall and the dorms, while we were walking I took a deep breath and took his hand. He stopped and looked at out linked hands and then at me, "Jinnie?" he asked looking up at me since I was slightly taller.

                                                                   Changbin POV

"I like you Binnie... Actually no... I love you," he said without looking at me, I smiled and put my shopping bag down before I grabbed his other hand, "That's why you were so red earlier because our hands brushed?" I asked and he nodded slowly, still not looking into my eyes.

I reached up and cupped his cheeks, "I love you too Jinnie," I whispered and he finally looked at me, his cheeks once again really red and his arms wrapped around me and he pulled me close, "Really?" he asked and I nodded which made him smile brightly but shyly.

I pulled his face to mine but didn't connect until he gave a small nod at which I kissed him right there in the middle of a park in the early afternoon. "Let's go home," I whispered and grabbed my bag from the ground before I grabbed his hand and we walked home to the dorms, Jisung and Chan were still not home so we changed into comfy clothes and turned on a movie. Hyunjin still seemed a bit nervous but I reached over and pulled him down so he laid with his head on my lap, I watched him as he relaxed and I started to play with his hair as I watched the movie. He let out a small happy sigh and closed his eyes, "You like this?" I asked and he nodded as his cheeks turned bright red again, "Cute," I chuckled and he turned his face and hid it against my thigh. "Aww shy Jinnie," I whispered teasingly and he sat up and pouted at me, "You want me to go back to painting and ditch you and the movie?" he asked and now I was the one pouting. "I thought so," he said and laid back down, I put one arm around his waist while the other found its way back to his soft dark hair.

When the movie was over I noticed that he had fallen asleep, "Aiish if only if was later so I could just take him to bed but it's too early for that," I mumbled. "Jinnie?" I called softly while shaking his shoulder carefully, "Hm?" he asked as he woke up, "It's too early to sleep baby," I said and he blushed again, "S-sorry it was just so relaxing," he whispered sheepishly which made me chuckle. "You wanna go to the company and work on one of those ideas of yours?" I asked and he was suddenly wide awake nodding. "Let's go then," I said and he was up from the sofa in an instant and ran into his room to grab his notebook. I walked to mine and grabbed my laptop and stuff. Soon we were in a car to the company, we went to the normal studio to check up on Chan and the two youngest or well three youngest as Felix had joined them, "Hi Jinnie and hi Binnie," Chan said when we entered, "Hi how're things going?" I asked and he smiled, "Great, looks like it's going great for you two as well," he said as he looked at our linked hands.

"I guess you could say that," I admitted and Felix looked over and smirked at Hyunjin who looked away with a blush which made Felix laugh. "Is there another free studio?" I asked and Chan nodded, "I think the one two rooms from here is free," he said and I pulled Hyunjin with me to that studio. "Have you written anything about any of the ideas?" I asked as I set up my laptop, "I have something like a hook on one of them," he said, "Can I look?" I asked and he flipped through his notebook before he handed it to me. I read through the lyrics and smiled, "You really have a talent for poetic lyrics, while I usually write quite direct lyrics," I said.

"I wouldn't call streetlight or leave direct tho," he said and I blushed, "What kind of song would you want it to be?" I asked, taking us back to the conversation at hand and directing focus away from my songs. Hyunjin walked over to me and sat on my lap facing me, I looked up at him a bit taken aback since it was the first time today he had been this forward, "Don't ignore your songs my Binnie, they're amazing and some of my favorites," he said as he held my face. I couldn't look away from him and he leaned down and kissed me deeply, "'m sorry," I smiled shyly as he pulled away, he smiled satisfied with my apology and moved to the chair beside me. I pouted as my lap felt empty now, "I was thinking an indie ballad with some melodic rap," he said answering my question, "That would work very nicely," I agreed and opened a list of tracks I had on my laptop. "Hm, I think I have a track like that since I wanted to write a song with your or Innie," I said remembering a track I made like six months ago. "Oh can you play it?" he asked and I nodded and looked for it. When I started the track he closed his eyes and started vibing to it, "Yes this is it," he said once we had listened through it. I sent him the track and we started to work.

Later that evening we were snuggling in bed, "Thank you Binnie," he whispered, "No thank you, I love you," I whispered back, "I love you too," he whispered and we shared a sweet kiss before we snuggled even closer and fell asleep happier than ever.

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