Pity party

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Ashlyn's POV
It's my birthday my sixteen. I'm actually excited for this. I have a really pretty dress on first time I've worn a dress in years.
I sent invitations to Aiden,Taylor,Tyler,Ben,and Logan. I have the whole place decorated for my birthday 🥳.


I wouldn't anybody to come at this, time, I'm trying on my dress it's red, white laced with gold paired with heels :)

10 am
Shouldn't somebody came yet? No no no, Aiden's probably still sleeping

11 am
I'm getting the cake, my mom made it, chocolate cake with chocolate covered Strawberries
I'm getting kinda bored, my parents went somewhere

12 pm
I think they should come at 2 maybe, I'm just drawing sketches in my book

1 pm
I'm redoing my hair into a high pony with a bow that matches

Nobody's here, maybe there late

I'm gonna eat something, I'm eating a granola bar

They should be here by now

Maybe they just won't come? Let me check the gc

School group

I'm coming to your party tomorrow
yesterday at 3:25

Where r u guys?!


They're not coming are they...

I hate crying but I'm crying right now, over nothing this birthday wasn't even important

I'm just left in a pool of my own tears

I'm just going to part the cake

I'm going to bed

I can't sleep

It's not even my birthday anymore


In the end nobody came
Next day
Ding dong
"Oh hey"
It's The whole group
"Why didn't you come yesterday?"
They look confused
"What do you mean, your birthdays today,?"
Taylor asked
I replied
"Tyler told me it was today!"
I roll my eyes
"I parted the cake already"
Taylor looks at me weirdly
"Without us?"
" the cake is gone Bad"
"Oh what happened to your red dress?"

"I don't even want a party anyways so you guys can go BYE"
I slam the door
I see them walk away

I feel bad

She felts better
Anyway bye

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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