D4! The DJ Opera

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Neo Nova sighed as the smoggy night air of the misty cyberpunk city blew through her long, golden tresses. From toe to neck, she was clad in a dark red, leather Repo suit. She carried a duffle bag of nightmarish medical tools, scalpels and syringes and the like.

MUST we utilize that... wretched, insufferable piece of scrap metal? Her bright blue cybernetic eyes flashed as they darted to one of her companions.

Kokoa Shinomiya, with her iconic multi-colored hair, wore a much lighter and more complex uniform by contrast, white with bright green accents instead of just dark red. Metal, wires, and plastic fused with the fabric, and even her temples, as she communicated with an AI whose advanced Bluetooth capabilities allowed her to travel all over, and communicate through, Kokoa and her uniform.

"Just up ahead and to the right!" the AI chirped with a plucky, slightly robotic tone. "According to my satellite sensors..."

"So, you are an over glorified GPS, sì?" Neo's other companion, the girl of silver to her woman of gold, asked sweetly. She was the least-obviously operated on, but she was far from surgery-free. After all, that was how and why she looked so beautiful, flawless, and cute!

"Can a GPS do... This?!" Lumina didn't miss a beat. Kokoa felt electricity slither down her sleeve from the wire in her temple. Then out popped a hologram of a girl with long, white hair; mismatched eyes; and the same white and green uniform as Kokoa, complete with the same halo-antenna hovering over their heads, spinning slowly. The girl's name briefly flashed in lights in an arc over her head, like a shooting star. Lumina Ichihoshi.

"No, far better." Elsie crinkled her nose and crossed her arms. "Real GPSes are much less annoying."

"Hey! Watch it, Adagio! Lumina is way more than just a GPS!" Kokoa, Lumina's handler, snapped. Lumina felt electricity surge through the wire connecting her to Kokoa's temple. Kokoa was angry. And so was Lumina.

"And I'm not—!" The AI was just about to protest how charming and adorable she was when Neo silenced them all.

"Enough. We are nearly at our destination." Her cybernetic eyes flashed again, sweeping the area for danger. Tonight was a good night for murder...


"Hurry! Hurry! Come on! Shh! Shh! Hurry! Hurry!" Sophia Smith scrambled ahead, darting to and fro, weaving in and out of broken pavement and broken bodies. Her head was an endless metronome as she looked left and right, stopping only when she remembered to look over her shoulder. A full moon shined above Sanitarium Square, higher and brighter than the neon lights of the city, and the countless glowing screens that littered it—including on blimps ever circling in the sky overhead—each flashing ads for GeneCo's new and wonderful organs and surgeries.

Beneath a black and white hoodie, through dark blue locks, Sophia's deep blue eyes glowed like the moon, like neon lights. Her Cornea Plus lit the way and scanned the streets for danger. The light her cybernetic eyes weakly emitted illuminated two bandages on Sophia's face. The first covered a tattoo, wisps of black ink visible behind the white cloth. The second hid a real injury, red seeping through white.

"Jesus fuckin' Christ, Sophia, chill!" Weronika Seperack growled as she trudged after the tinier girl. Despite being the strongest of the group, she felt the weakest. She didn't do slow and steady! The scar on the right side of her face—and the stolen cybernetic eye in the left—were proof. At least until that night. Now, the two Zydrate dealers were little more than over-glorified babysitters.

I'm a graverobber, man, I ain't got time for this shit! Weronika cast a glare—left eye reflecting the light of the moon as it shifted—at her two new companions. The first was Hayate Tendo, a dancer who required leg and foot surgery during her infancy. Her bone structure was never the same, but in a rare case, it paid off. Not only did it aid her dancing, but even now, she gracefully dodged the mutilated corpses that lined the streets.

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