Chapter 1 - Best Friends vs. Best Friends

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Present Day

It's Monday morning once again, and the campus is packed with busy students, trying to catch up with each other and chatting about how their weekends gone by. There’s one particular place that is more crowded than any other place though – it was the soccer field, and Donghyuck didn’t bother guessing why. For sure, the cause of the commotion is just a certain someone having his luxury as Mr. Popular, getting flocked by the students because they want to catch up with every second of that jerk’s breathing.

Whoever plays ball during the first period anyway? Mark Lee isn’t afraid to get all sweaty, he’s THAT confident. The idiot is at the field playing with his friends, Lee Jeno and Park Jisung.

Unfortunately, he has to pass by the noisy crowd. Hopefully, no one among those people would notice him, or it would be another one hell of an encounter with the school’s most displeasing soul—Mark Lee.


He halted on his track when he heard the warning, looked up and –

“Hell!” He mumbled. It was too late to dodge when he saw an incoming ball, hitting him straight on the face. “Ouch!”

The students started flocking him, there was also Lee Jeno trying to help him up.

“Lee Donghyuck! Are you okay?” He just nodded, still feeling a bit dizzy.

“I think you should get checked, hyung. You might have gotten whiplash.” Jisung on the side remarked, he said ‘hyung’ as he’s a year younger but is in the same year as them. “Mark hyung exerted a lot on that kick.”

Yes, he fucking exerted a lot, but stupid Mark Lee hit the wrong target… or did he? Donghyuck’s blood started boiling upon the thought that it was intentional.

“Shoot, I’m sorry. I did warn you though!”

He sneered when the devil walked up to him, looking truly sorry, but his eyes seemed mischievous.

“Be careful next time, Lee Minhyung.” It was the only thing he bothered to reply. He wanted to leave immediately but said guy held him by the arms to stop him.

“Okay, if it makes you feel better, why don’t you hit me as well?” Mark said with a lot of confidence, with no further words, he dragged him a few feet away from the crowd. Mark created a distant between them. “Here, I won’t budge… free kick.”

Donghyuck gritted his teeth. He dreamed of doing this for a while now – not just to hit him with a ball, but to actually put Mark in a catapult and shoot him out to the moon.

“What are you waiting for?” Mark asked again. “C’mon.”

“M-Maybe, we can settle this differently.” Jisung said as he walks up to them, while Jeno was trying to disperse the crowd before following them too.

Donghyuck shook a head. “I’m not that low.” And why would he hurt Mark Lee in front of other students? No, he can have his payback in secret, but right now, he has a reputation to uphold. “I’m leaving, Mark.”

“I insist… unless you’re not confident that you can hit me.”

That made him frown. “If you have forgotten it, Mark Lee, I was once part of the soccer team too.”

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