Breaking Out (part 2)

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While traversing through the house with the protection of his necklace, Ethan finds an old grandfather clock but something was off. It could not show time as the clock hands were missing. Perhaps, by finding the clock hands, Ethan might gain something that will help him escape. Luckily, he did not have to search everywhere. The gem seems to act like a metal detector, glowing whenever Ethan is close to something that could help him. It was guiding him.

Thanks to the necklace, Ethan was able to find the location of the clock hands but nothing was ever easy for him. The location of them were the attic and the basement. Having to divide and conquer, Ethan decided to get the clock hand that was in the basement first. As he descended into the dimly lit basement, the former soldier felt a shiver run down his spine. Shadows danced along the walls, and the air was heavy with the scent of dampness and decay. The necklace around his neck pulsed faintly, guiding him deeper into the darkness. Following the subtle glow of the emerald, he eventually came upon a small chamber tucked away in the corner. In the centre of the room stood an easel, upon which four paintings were arranged haphazardly. Each canvas depicted scenes of haunting despair, their colours muted and their subjects twisted in anguish.

Drawing closer, Ethan noticed a weathered parchment lying beside the easel. With trembling hands, he unfurled it, revealing a cryptic poem scrawled in faded ink:

"Amidst the chaos, seek the truth,

Align the paintings, reveal the sleuth.

From grim reaper's gaze to rose's decay,

In fire and blood, find the way."

Puzzled yet determined, he studied the paintings before him, each one a macabre tableau of suffering. With the guidance of the necklace, he began to rearrange the canvases, searching for the elusive order hinted at by the poem. He started with the painting of the grim reaper, its skeletal figure looming ominously over the scene. With a careful hand, he shifted it to the forefront, feeling a subtle click beneath his fingers as it settled into place. Next came the withered rose, its petals wilted and lifeless against a backdrop of darkness. 

Recalling the poem's cryptic instructions, he positioned the painting to the right of the grim reaper, the flames flickering eerily in the dim light. Then, he turned his attention to the depiction of three figures engulfed in flames, their agonized cries frozen in time. Taking a deep breath, he aligned it with the others, a sense of unease creeping over him as the room seemed to grow colder. Finally, he approached the painting of the weeping figure, its face obscured by hands slick with blood. Hesitating for a moment, he placed it beside the burning figures, the silent tears blending seamlessly with the crimson hues of despair.

With the paintings now arranged according to the enigmatic clues, the chamber echoed with a low rumble as the floor beneath him began to shift. A hidden compartment emerged from the depths, revealing a small chest adorned with intricate carvings. Heart pounding, the man reached for the chest and lifted its lid, revealing the gleaming hour hand nestled within. 

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