The Nine-Tailed Fox Cub and her 4 Aunts (Part 3)

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My aunts guided me through the maze of streets and alleys, exploring shops and market stalls filled with wondrous treasures. It was a sensory overload, but I couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration at the prospect of discovering new wonders.

We eventually made our way to the Adventurer's Guild, where my aunts registered as adventurers under false names to avoid drawing attention. The guild was abuzz with activity, adventurers of all shapes and sizes seeking quests and challenges to test their mettle.

We walked towards the registry and meet a woman in uniform. The woman welcomed us to the adventurer's guild and asked what she could help us with. Ifrit then led the conversation for us, saying that they wish to register as adventurers. The woman then brought out papers for them to write their information. Before we started, the kings had previously decided to register fake names to not be recognised by others. Minerva went as Minne, Ifrit as Rosalyn, Trowell as Danielle, and Elqueeness as El. They all registered as both a mage and a summoner which the woman was quite baffled as summoners were a rare job class.

The woman then asked curiously about me who was in Minerva's arms. Elqueeness introduced me as their pet and that I am a magic beast. The woman became even more baffled, a magic beast is hard to come by and difficult to tame. These women were undoubtfully very powerful was what I could tell the woman was thinking from seeing her expression. I was then also registered into the system.

The registry was successful and the guild lady then gave my aunts their adventurer ID cards. The guild woman explained that my aunts are to start out at the lowest rank, F and as they progress and finish more quest, they will rank up to D. The rank system from lowest to highest goes like this: F, E, D, C, B, A, S with S being the highest rank. The level of difficulty of quest are also the same. She gestured to a billboard that was filled with paper saying that we would be able to find quest and odd jobs for us over at the guild quest board.

We walked over to a billboard that showed a variety of quest that had different levels of difficulty on them. Aunty Ifrit, ever impulsive, went up and chose a quest of the highest difficulty level without consulting the rest of us. I panicked at the sight of the level S written on it. Feeling a pang of fear in my chest as I realized the magnitude of the danger we were about to face.

I could not speak in public as I was to pretend to be a magic beast and quickly looked over to my other Aunts, hoping that they would stop her. But to my dismay, they looked calm and did not say anything. Only walking back to the guild counter with aunty Ifrit leading and holding the quest paper. Knowing that my aunts won't be stopping Ifrit and knowing I could not do anything, I close my eyes with a defeated smile and screamed internally with a tear falling from my face.

I could only watched in nervousness as the guild lady looked at the paper and sighed helplessly when I sees her dropping her jaw and widening her eyes that I thought they were going to pop out in shock at the quest paper she was given. The woman then slowly raises her head to look back at us and shakingly points at the quest, asking aunt Ifrit if we had not made a mistake. My aunts shook their heads as their answer. The guild lady then sighs and gave a look of disapproval, telling them that they cannot take this quest as it is not a quest with the same rank as them. While the woman tries to persuade them, I took my attention away, knowing that my aunts would not budge and I was just waiting for things to be done. After all, I am still a child, grown-up stuff is not something I am is familiar with.

My ocean eyes observing the surroundings, I saw that we were starting attract attention and whispers were happening around them. With me being a nine-tailed fox species, my hearing was enhanced and better than humans, so I in listened to what the people were saying.

Focusing on one of the tables that had a group of 6 men. They were ugly. They gave off a bad feeling. The men were staring at us, or more specifically, my aunts with intensity.

The big bald human had a giant sword on his back and has a scary looking scar on his right eye was smiling at them. I didn't like it at all. They were scary. I then felt a hand on my head, head-patting me. I looked up and see Aunty Elqueeness looking at me with concern asking me in a whisper, "Alaya, sweetie. Are you alright? You are shaking." I did not realise that I was shaking in fear. I have never felt like this before. I noticed my other Aunties looking at me with worry too.

I whispered back, "I'm fine, Aunty. Are you done now?"

Aunty Ifrit then answered, "Yes, we're done. We got the approval so we can go."

"Okay. Let's go. I don't want to be here any longer..." I mumbled. The women gave a glanced at each other, they were worried for their niece but this was not the place nor time to ask. They make their way towards the exit and was blocked. I noticed that it was the same men that was looking at my aunts weirdly.

Big baldy spoke, "Hey there ladies. Care to partner up with us? We saw that you were choosing a very difficult quest. My group are S ranks. My boys and I can help you if you want." I looked up at my aunts, seeing their expressions. The 4 of them were looking at the men with no expression but I could see it in their eyes that they were disgusted.

Aunt Ifrit crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. Aunt Trowell led out a scoff while aunt Minerva glared with a frown.

Aunty Elqueeness then answered, politely with a still face, "Sorry but we can handle ourselves. We don't need any help. Especially not from you. Now if you would be so kind as to move yourselves away from my and my sister's presence. That would be greatly appreciated. Or else."

She spoke in a tone that I did not recognise and felt slightly scared by it. It seems that the men did not take her words seriously as they began to laugh. Very loudly. Their laughter hurt my ears and I whimpered in paint.

I felt aunty Minerva's hand on her head, feeling a warm sensation from it. She must be using her magic to sooth me. I started to feel better. Aunt Minerva then glared even more menacingly at the men. I looked around and sees that the surrounding people were just looking at them. She could see a small sense of pity on their faces and fear. They aren't helping us. Are they afraid? These men must be really bad then.

I turned back to see one of them raised his hand, trying to grab aunt Trowell's hand, only for her to raise her fist into his face. He was blown out the door and falling on the ground with a loud thud. He went unconscious.

The men looked back at their fallen friend and turned back at us in anger. Aunt Trowell was just patting her hands together as if to get rid of dust gave them a smirk in response, "What? He tried to grab me?" She then shrugged, mockingly.

The remaining men then brought their weapons, they were mad. My aunts, on the other hand, just looked at them in boredom. I could not comprehend what happened next. Aunt Minerva had snapped her fingers and my vision was covered in darkness. I was confused and found that I was blindfolded. I could only hear aunt Minerva, "Alaya, dear. You are still young. You don't need to see this. Let your aunts handle these pests." That was all I heard before hearing some loud noises. It was too loud so I quickly raised my little paws to cover my ears. Trying to cover out the noises. 

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