Renembering the past

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Your PoV
You walked out your room and headed towards the garden. As you reached the garden you saw all the beautiful flowers Finny took care of. You sat down in a near by bench and waited for Ciel. After 2 minutes you saw Ciel head towers you and gave you a hug. You were surprised by the sudden action. 'Does he like me' you thought. "y/n I have some questions to ask you if you don't mind" he said. "Sure" you replied with a smile. "So can you please explain what happened yesterday" he said. "Well...." You begin to explain the whole story of how your family got killed. "... And then I crashed into you and you basically know the rest" you said. "Well the queen wanted me to find the missing family member but I seemed to have found way before the task but now I have to go investigate where the crime took place. Will you meet me for dinner Mi'Lady?" He said with a small blush on his cheeks. "Yes Mi'Lord" you said blushing. He left leaving you waiting for him to come back.
-=+Time skip one month=+-
You spent most of your time in the manor. You would play games with Ciel or help him with paper work once in a while. You were currently in Ciel's study helping him with paper work. "Young master you got a letter" said Sebastian as he enter the room. Ciel got the letter and read it. After reading it he seemed to be rather annoyed. "Ciel is something wrong" you asked. "No, we are just going to get visitors tomorrow" he said. "Y/n it's getting late you should get ready to sleep" he said. "Ok" you said and left the room. "Y/n..." He said while grabbing your wrist, "goodnight", and he gave you a kiss on the cheek. As you left the room you couldn't help but think 'Ciel just kissed me' as you touched you cheek
-=+Next Day+=-
"Miss y/n, you need to get ready we have a guest today" said Mey-Rin as she opened the curtains. "Yeah guest (😴).... Oh yeah! We have a guest" you said as you rushed to pick a blue dress with black lace around the bottom. As Mey-Rin helped you dress you asked her, "do you happen to know who our guest is?" "I'm sorry Mi'Lady but I don't" she said. You finished doing your hair in a high pony tail and coved your left eye with your bangs. That eye had the mark of your contract. Then you left to the dinning hall. As you went to take your seat you notice Ciel look at you once in a while. He normally just ate and left but today he was acting different. "Young master, our guest is he-" Sebastian was cut off by a Extremely High Pitched Scream, "CIIIEEEELLLL" said a girl as she ran into his arms. "Get off me Elizabeth" he said rather annoyed. "Oh, who is this girl she's cute?" She asked. "I'm y/n l/n, friend of Ciel" you responded. "Well y/n I'm Elizabeth, Ciel's Fiancé!" She said rather excited. "She's your fiancé?!?" You asked Ciel while touching your cheek remembering what happen last night. "Yes but it's nothing like that y/n" he said with a tone of sadness. "If you excuse me I have to go do something" you said and ran to your room. "Y/N!" Ciel said as he ran trying to catch up to you.
Ciel's PoV
As you and y/n ate your meals you were on looking at her admiring her beauty. 'If she could only be mine'. You both finished and went to greet Elizabeth. "CIIIIEEEELLL" you heard Elizabeth scream as she ran and hugged you. "Get off me Elizabeth!" You screamed at her. "Oh, who is this girl she's cute?" She asked. "I'm y/n l/n, friend of Ciel" y/n responded. "Well y/n I'm Elizabeth, Ciel's Fiancé!" Elizabeth said rather excited. "She's your fiancé?!?" Y/n asked you while she touched her cheek probably remembering what happen last night. "Yes but it's nothing like that y/n" you said with a tone of sadness. "If you excuse me I have to go do something" she said and ran to her room. "Y/N!" You said as she ran and you trying to catch up to her. "Elizabeth meet me at my study" you said, and she nodded. "Y/n please open the door and let me explain" you said while trying to open the door. She open the door and sat on her bed crying. "Y/n, my parents made her my fiancé I never loved or liked her..... I-I love You" you said hugging her. You stared at her blue eyes more like eye because her bangs cover the other, reminded you of your eye. You slowly inclined towards her face and kissed her.

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