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^You holding Suzo's hand|Also your OOTD^^
You felt a warm hand stroking your hair. You slowly opened your eyes and saw it was Ciel. "Good morning" you said with a small smile. "Good morning". Sebastian entered the room. "Young master- oh, well I have brought some tea and would you like Fresh Salmon or scones for breakfast" he asked poring the tea into the cups. "Would scones be fine." Ciel asked you. You nodded. "Very well" he bowed and left. Ciel stood up and went to a closet. He looked at the back of all his clothes and brought out a... Dress. It was ocean blue with a flower on the chest area. (Dress is in the picture) "I want you to wear my this." He said as he handed you the dress. You were confused by the idea of him having a dress in his closet. You graves it and walked towards the bathroom. You finished putting it in and notice it fit you perfectly. You exit the bathroom and saw Ciel fully changed. Next to his bed was a small cart with the tea and scones. "Y/n you look beautiful" he said looking at you. You let out a small blush and a sweet smile. "You look handsome yourself". You sat on the bed and picked up a cup of tea. 'Mm, Earl Grey, my favorite'. "Y/n.... How come you never told me about you having the 'mark' and Suzo." He asked eating a scone. You almost spit your tea. "Well it's a long story" "I have time". You put the cup of tea down. You explain how the mark was placed and how you made the contract. "I...I always saw a small girl in the corner of that cage but... I never thought it was you." He said looking at the ground. "It's ok, I did not have the courage to talk. So I was not able to talk to you." "I'm sorry" he said. You gave him a hug. You let go of Ciel. "You got this letter from he queen" he handed you a white envelope. You opened it and saw it had a mission for you and Ciel. You had to go to one of the school for nobles and investigate about a missing student. "I never knew you were the Queens Doll. I heard so much about you but never thought that would be you." "Yeah I decided to sorta keep my name a secret because people would try to come after me." "Well let's get to work shall we" he said. "Yes"
A/n I decided to make some of the chapters short that way the story could have more chapters and it can last for a while. Next chapter will be out Friday.

One Hell of a Girl (Ciel x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now