chapter 1

21 5 3

Text messaging

brother dearest 😎🙄- Theodore nott
Mattheo 🤍- mattheo
tommy  boy 🤗🤓- tom
my pan 😋😍- pansy parkinson
rosy posy🌹- rosalia
daph daph 👱‍♀️💅
enzo pookie 🥐- enzo
bald egg 🥚- blaise
my free wallet🤑🍏💚- draco malfoy 

Aurora and her hoes

omg, me, rosy and theodoore are waiting for you whores to show up
please hurry up i cant be asked to wait in the freezing cold

my pan😋😍
Daphne had to stop of at selfridges, this girl didn't have any tights🙄 

enzo pookie 🥐
me and blaise are at that dodgy corner shop down the road.
we decided to get something to munch on for the journey 

wheres barbie?

enzo pookie 🥐
oh we left him outside the shop bc it wasnt expensive enough for him.
rn i think he's arguing with an elderly couple abt his gucci suitcase

right ofc, im not even going to ask.

Tommy boy🤗🤓

hey tom

my pan 😋😍

tommy boy🤗🤓 
parkinson, shut your trap, kindly and respectfully

how are you tom

tommy boy🤗🤓
quite well, thank you

enzo pookie 🥐
can you's flirt in private chat or smt

brother dearest 😎🙄
literally what i was about to say

Tommy boy left the chat

You added Tommy boy 🤗🤓 back to the chat

mattheo 🤍
guess who's here, losers

I was about to reply but was stopped as two hands roughly grabbed my shoulders spinning me around.

"Mattheo!" I exclaim "you scared me" I laugh.

"Always at your service" he cheekily replied as he opened his arms for me. I gratefully step into them, instantly letting the warmth wash over me as he wraps his arms around me. His arms always made me feel so safe, so secure, so happy. Something only my best friend can grant me. I breathe in his homely scent, the one that smelt of his signature aftershave, the one I got him for his 14th birthday, the knowing smell of cigarettes that always seem to linger around him. But it wasn't the strong, cheap, gut-churning ones, oh no!, it was the posh, expensive ones, that probably rich business men smoke. I felt so care-free in his embrace, like everything doesn't matter, like it's just me and him and no one else, and I willed for the hug to last forever. But of course, nothing lasts forever and he untangled himself from me and instantly went on to hug my brother, not batting an eyelid. I smile.

"Hey tommy" I say shyly, who was standing there, hands deep in his pockets

"Don't call me that" he answered half-heartedly, knowing full well I will do nothing of the sort. I look at him slyly and bat my eyelashes, smiling devilishly. "Go on then" he said gruffly, reluctantly opening his arms for me to launch into.

"I missed you" I breathe into his neck. He smelt so clean, like books and mint gum and a fresh shower.

"I can tell" he teased. I gently slap his shoulder as I pull away, feeling my cheeks get hotter. He has that effect, he does. He leaves me that tiny bit nervous after acknowledging me.

"Come on, I know you missed me too" I say lightly punching his shoulder.

"If you say so" he shrugged "and stop with the domestic violance" he cockily said. 

"Can't handle a little shove?" I torment. He raised his eyebrow, about to say something witty back, but was rudely inturrupted by Enzo's high pitched screech.

"THE TRAINS ABOUT TO TAKE OFF" he yelled. we all gasp and giggle running towards it, dragging our suitcases on as Draco moaned and whined about something. It was then when I realised that everyone was there, but I was so distracted by the Riddles I didn't know my friends already met us. I really, really hoped that maybe this year, our last year, will be the one when I finally get a break. where I get to forget about what happened in 5th year and get to focus on myself and my studies before we all move away to do our own shit. I pray to all the gods above...

Idk what to think of this but atleast I updated- yay! tell me what you think xx

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