4: Brewing lines

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Odettes POV:

Sitting in my dressing room it's almost show time. I'm anxious about tonight's show since I know Neil will be here with his partners. I get this weird sense of Deja Vu about how I look at him. I know I shouldn't worry but it feels odd, him knowing both me singing here and presenting in class. I just don't know what to make of it, but he said he would be here tonight so I'm sure I'm thinking too much of it. He seems kind after all. I can't help but have this gut feeling about him.

I sit at my dresser and twirl my finger through the black ribbon he gave me the first night we met. There is something about this man I need to figure out but I just don't know yet. I tie the ribbon to the end of my braid and head to the stage. I pass Kyle and Tallie on the way. "You look nice Odette!" Tallie says. "Yeah break a leg out there!" Kyle follows. I smile, "Thank you both. Where is Birdie? You three usually task your work duties together." "He's home tonight, apparently he caught a stomach bug out of nowhere," Tallie confirms for me. "Oh that's awful, I hope he feels better. If you guys need anything to help him let me know." I tell them. "We will Odette don't worry," Kyle tells me. They head to their positions for the show queue. I have about five minutes before the curtain is pulled.

Walking further I see Nikki on the other side of the hall walking from Mr.Phutains office to the back. As soon as we glance at each other I give her a small smile from afar, she raises a distasteful face in return. I look forward to making my way down the hall. I wish she would let go of whatever it is about me that bothers her so much. Maybe I'm just more of an adult than she is but either way, I won't ever return her nasty remarks silent or spoken.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts before the curtain opens. I take a deep breath and exhale; the curtains open and I begin the first song of four.

Neils POV:

My three partners and I are all sitting at the center table at the Pearl Repast catching up about the contract we worked through earlier this month and a few other personal things. I notice the curtain begin to shuffle I know Odette will be singing soon. "So Neil, I gotta give it to you, you've got great taste in luxury but I gotta ask, why treat us here? Do you have any connections to this place?" One of them asks. I answer, "Well this place has a lot of my investment and I try to make a return when I can haha. I helped the owner open it." We all catch up on other investments we make outside of our usual endeavors when the lights dim for the show to begin.

I turn my head to see Odette on stage opening the floor with her first song. I take in all that she is from my seat. I know God makes us in his image, but Odette is something immaculate. Her lagoon blue eyes, long brown hair, and angled features. I look closely at her hair to see she has it braided with little pearls pieced in. I notice at the end of her hair she has a black ribbon tied into a small bow on the end. I look up from her braid and at the same time, Odette looks from the right side of the room to the center. She spots me and smiles. Man her smile...

I smile whilst leaning in on the table, and she takes her gaze to the balcony audience. I look over to the three men sitting at my table, one on his phone and the other two quietly chatting about something. Soon Odette finishes her songs and the curtains close. The audience applauded and the lights dimmed back to their original state.

"I gotta give it to you Neil, this was a worthy investment. With talent like that and an atmosphere like this, it's hard not to invite people here." One of them says. "I knew this place was the right one to put my money into. A real fit for New York ya know." I answer. We continue to converse about the evening and future work-related items until it comes to closing. The three of them leave and I go to Odette's dressing room until I hear someone familiar call my name.

"Is that Neil Abram in the flesh?" I whip around to see Mark approaching me with someone behind him. "Yes, it is, how are you, Mark?" I ask him taking my blazer off and resting it on my arm. "Im doing well, I was just treating a friend of mine to Odette's show. Gotta give it to her she's a natural singer. Neil this is Carter Pullman he's an old friend of mine from school." Carter extends his hand. "Nice to meet you, Mark talks a lot about you. Seems like you two do business well together." I shake his hand back, "Yeah we get along for the most part, ya know when Mark isn't off in another country haha." We lightly joke around. I've got a pit feeling in my stomach about Carter. Something about him, the tattoo on his neck looks familiar but I can't figure out where I've seen it before. "We were getting out of here and heading to the club side of the restaurant, Neil would you like to join?" Mark asks me. He knows not to ask me, I always decline, and I know where it leads. "Nah I'm good but you two take care. I'm sure I'll be seeing you soon considering we have that meeting coming up in a few weeks." I respond. "It's alright Neil, you've always been more reserved I get it. I'll catch you around friend." Mark and Carter leave. I notice as Carter turns to walk out his blazer swings just enough for me to see his gun. Nothing wrong with carrying one, but something still isn't sitting right with me about him.

I make my way through the back and approach Odette's dressing room door.

*Knock* *Knock*

I pull a small gesture I have out of my pocket. I've mustered up so much courage to give her this. I just hope she'll accept it and not become nervous of me. She opens the door and looks up. "Hi, Neil." She smiles. I can't help but grin looking at those eyes. "Hello, Odette." She leans on the door and in turn, I lean on the doorframe. "You did lovely tonight, my partners enjoyed the show and the evening here." She looks at her feet and then back at me. "That's good to hear, I'm glad they enjoyed it. How are you tonight?" She asks me. "I'm well, I always look forward to your show nights." I smile at her, she gestures back but then looks to her feet, almost like something is bothering her. "Odette is everything okay? I can leave if you'd like me to." My heart sinks in my chest a bit. "No! No, you're okay to stay and talk I've just had a lot weighing on me is all. Between school and work, I just have some head fog I'm trying to shake." She tells me honestly.

"Well if it makes you feel any better I think you are doing well for yourself. I had respect for you working here but after seeing your presentation in person, I was honestly impressed. I work with people who have done business for ten-plus years and they still couldn't deliver a simple investment like you did." I tell her. She looks up with a refreshing gaze in her eyes. "That does make me feel better. To be honest I thought you would have judged me for working here and being in school. I've been a little embarrassed to talk to you since the presentation. I wasn't sure what you thought of me after that." My eyes soften, "Odette never worry about it with me. After all, it's your life. People would kill to live the way you do and I've only seen a few bits and pieces of it. I admire your charisma, Odette, honestly, I do." She smiles at me.

"Well I know it's late and we both need to be getting home but I wanted to share a small gesture with you if you'll have it?" I look at her. "What would this 'gesture' be?" She looks at me curiously, turning her head out the door. I pull a small card out of my pocket with my number on it. On it, there is another black silk ribbon tied through a hole punch in the corner of the card. "I would love for you to have this, and text me if you're open to it." I hand her the card. "I would love to, thank you." She pulls the ribbon off and blushes. I can see the other one is still tied in her hair. I feel a wave of relief pool over me. 

"I don't want to keep you waiting I know you've gotta drive home." I look at her. "Yes, we both have to get home and sleep for sure." She responds. "Goodnight Odette." I smile "Good night Neil." She smiles back, and both of us share a smile before she shuts her door. I begin to walk away to the back exit when I notice Mark and Carter talking outside the door. I decide to turn around and head out through the front instead. I don't want to be dragged into anything tonight.

Marks POV:

Carter and I are taking some time at the club before heading outside for a smoke. I decided to walk back into the Pearl side to invite Phutain for a smoke when I came around the corner to see Neil handing Odette a card with a ribbon on it. I stay quiet trying to see what this is. I knew Neil enjoyed her show but I never expected the guy to have the balls to talk to her. I've never seen him approach a girl the entire time I've known him. Now look at him... blushing? This is gold I've gotta go back to Carter about this.

I immediately turn back around and meet Carter outside the back door. This little 'encounter' of Neil's may be perfect for what I'm planning...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28 ⏰

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