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Odette's Perspective:

"Dear Diary,

Did you ever wonder how God's plan works? Ever wonder how he pairs people for life? I've always wondered about this, hoped for it even. Unlike my parents, I prayed and continued to pray to end up loving someone forever. My entire life, my parents spent their days arguing, fighting, and cursing each other until they were blue in the face. They had my brother and me young; I don't blame them. And me? I don't blame myself either, but I spent so much of my childhood crying, crying, and hiding. I never wanted to cross their path, afraid to be caught in the crossfire. The escape I chose through all of this was my grandparent's house. They loved each other so much that I never felt afraid or cried at their house. Over time, my escape became more permanent. My parents agreed it would be the best thing for me and my brother. That I am thankful for.

Praying every day, never wanting to backtrack or end up in the wrong place in life, I've always strived for other people. So far, God has led me to the right place and great company to have. I've made it to my senior year in college, attending NYU. Graduation is 7 months away, and I am so thankful that God has gotten me through this. College is difficult, and I've made it through with minor cuts and scrapes. I have a job that keeps my bills paid and money to save for any post-grad expenses, and as I know, they are afoot. My life is complex and uncomfortable, but one day, it will be.

I know there are plans for people, and everyone is called and chosen for something God has uniquely designed with great detail for them, but I just... I just don't know. Maybe this is all head fog from all the up-and-coming life changes, but who am I to say anything when it's God's plan and not mine? Giving up this control is so hard when you feel like you've worked so much for it.

Figure this out soon,

Love, Odette."

Odette finishes typing on her phone and steps into the door, catching the train to work. It is currently 5:00, and her shift starts at 7. Luckily, the train stops at 5th, her place of work, the "Pearl Repast," a luxurious restaurant with elite entertainment—an atmosphere to fit the met gala. As beautiful as her name is, Odette's vocals match so eloquently. Erick Phutain, the owner of this fine establishment, had gotten a glimpse of Odette's voice at a friend's wedding, where she sang for the bride and groom, and from there, she was his little star. He's not as morally driven as Odette is. However, she has always managed to keep him at arm's length. In New York, with rent and tuition, she does what she must to keep her dreams in front of her.

She learned what it means to be alone and, more importantly, to find comfort in it. From a young age, she understood that God had a different plan for her. Where she was years ago, younger her would have never imagined being in New York, working at one of the busiest, most luxurious establishments. She is so grateful for where she is and the few people she has to enjoy it with. Her best friend Alise and a few co-workers she has grown close with along the way.

Odette is the busy type. She is either in her studies, working, or doing things for others. Such a loving personality she has, putting herself in situations that she doesn't have to. Bringing in donations to church for the homeless, helping her neighbor with groceries, taking extra notes for her classmates when they're sick, the list goes on. Truthfully, she 'loves' that way, doing for others more than herself.

As much as Odette was comfortable in her lonesome life; she had an admirer. Neil noticed Odette when he caught a glimpse of her at Pearl Repast. Neil gave a donation to Erick to then open the Pearl and get things off the ground for him. In return, Erick invited Neil to opening night as a thank you. From there, he just kept noticing her. Eventually, he found out they both attended the same church and sat on opposite sides. He's become fond of her from afar, but he never wanted to come off harsh to her or spook her in any way. Given the difference in lifestyles, he never wants to be seen as creepy to her.

Neil is the reserved type. A great businessman dealing with the wolves of Wall Street. Unlike his business partners, Neil always chose a more uncorrupt way of doing business. Growing up in the faith, knowing as a child that God was going to grow him into a successful man just like his father. Neil's father had a dying wish of giving his business to his only son before passing due to a sudden crippling illness. Neil graduated top of his class for 2 years at NYU, and thankfully, his father was able to see him graduate before passing a month later. Through many nights of hard work and reading, Neil learned that he could take on the daunting duty that was his father's business. As time went on, he eventually mastered the craft his father had. Quickly rising to a fame status in the business realm. He became a familiar name in Forbes, The New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal.

Neil, busy as always, made sure to attend the Saturday night showing at Pearl Repast. Odette was always standing, singing, and shining; he loved her voice. Hearing her on the worship team in church, Neil has always wanted to meet her face-to-face...

He prayed, asking God for an opportunity to meet her. Ultimately putting it in God's hands. Fasting for God's guidance, listening to his voice, and taking time with the Lord to know if this was an action he was indeed destined to take. Never knowing God's next steps for us, Neil didn't know that the Lord was working in his favor.

It just so happens that God would make this desire of Neil's heart a reality very soon...

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