A Deal is a Deal

45 0 5

Warning: Mentions of blood/gore, cursing, cannibalism and blade like objects

Pillow's POV:

I'm sitting down near the tent Needle is sleeping in

I'm planning of who will be my- Wait, no. OUR next target

I think I have an idea! Gaty and Saw will be next!

Now to tell Needle!



She's sleeping so soundly

So peaceful...

UH- Ignoring that...

I grab Needle and carry her

As I walk away from the tent, I wake her up

" Needle, wake up. We're going to start! " I said to her while placing her near a tree

" Uggghhhh... Ngh... Already..? " Needle groaned sleepily

" Yes, I prefer night over day for these things, so wake up NOW. " I responded 

Needle opened her eyes and rubbed them

" So who are we getting..? " Needle said groggily

" Gaty and Saw! " I chirped

" What?! Why them?! Why not someone on your team? " Needle exclaimed 

" Needle. Remember our deal... " I said to her angrily

" Who the fuck CARES about THAT- " Needle barked before I punched her, cutting her off

I was holding Needle's wrist tightly " I DO, AND SO SHOULD YOU. YOU WANNA BE DEAD? " I threatened her

Needle tried speaking " N-No! I don't- " 

" SAY IT LOUDER. " I growled


" That's what I thought... " I let go of Needle's wrist and she held it in pain

" You have a tight grip... " Needle said under her breath

" What was that? " I asked suddenly

" Uhm- Who gets who? Do I get Saw? " Needle said

" No, I do. You get Gaty " I replied

" A small question, what am going to kill her with? " Needle says before I toss her something 

Needle caught what I tossed to her, a throwing knife.

" Okay, that's... Good. " Needle said

I grab Needle's hand, help her stand, and start walking her to the camp

" Let's begin! Ready? " I said

" Absolutely. I'll start with getting Gaty, stay over there for a bit. " Needle replied nonchalant 

I look at Needle slightly confused " Okay...? Do your thing. " I went behind a tree, looking at Needle to see what she's going to do

Needle's POV:

I walk to Gaty in her tent, waking her up

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