Prey - Killian

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  Killian opened the door to the visitation room where he'd been standing watch over Abby who was inside waiting for Selah to visit. The expectant Omega had finally been temporarily released from her self-declared "false imprisonment" much to Malcolm's dismay, She'd been insistent that she visit Abby at Sanctuary, and of course, Malcolm was less than thrilled with bringing his preganant mate to the very spot she'd most likely be in the line of fire. Since a reporter had made it into their house, and they'd been hounded by paparazzi, Malcolm had become nearly rabid in his need to protect his mate. Conversely, instead of wanting to hole up in her nest, Selah chafed at the need to stay home and deal with in her words, "Malcolm's draconian need to control my every movement."

Of course, Malcolm had caved.

Killian shook his head in amusement at Malcolm's harried look as he followed so closely behind Selah the Omega probably felt his breath ghost against her neck. Knowing how much this outing made Malcolm want to rip out his hair, Killian chuckled to himself. He would never have allowed his mate out of the house in her condition even without the threats and a criminal Alpha on the loose.

Another reason why he wouldn't work out with an Omega.

The image of Blossom soft and rounded with his baby growing in her belly flashed in his mind, and his cock hardened so quickly behind his zipper that for a moment he felt dizzy from the lack of blood flow to his brain. Struck immobile by the stab of vicious longing following that image, Killian only remembered to move out of Selah's way when her little feminine hand reached out to land lightly on his arm.

"Killian? Are you okay? You look a little... shaken." Selah's voice made its way through the fog taking over his brain, but Malcolm's warning growl cut through it like a hot blade through butter.

Without conscious thought, Killian's answering growl promised pain to anyone threatening Blossom, but Selah's low viscous snarl acted like ice water and snapped him out of his dream world where he was protecting his pregnant Omega and her nest.

His pregnant Omega and her nest.


"Stop. It." Selah's growl vibrated through the air and rubbed against where her hand pressed on his arm, "We are not doing this today. Do you hear me? Both of you?"

Looking between Malcolm and himself, she gave a little sniff of irritation before turning her attention back to him. He barely had time to hide the smile that threatened to split his lips at the fiery glance she'd leveled at her Alpha. Since her kidnapping and pregnancy, Selah's spicy personality kept Malcolm on his toes.

"How is she?" she asked him in a soft voice that didn't carry into the room behind them.

"I don't know."

"You don't know?"

"I don't -"

"How do you not know?" the disbelief in Selah's voice made his hackles want to raise in defense, but with Malcolm looming behind her and her own nails beginning to dig into his forearm, he swallowed down his instinctual response.

"We had a moment earlier - " To his horror, he felt the tips of his ears heat and his scent spiked the air around them which the observant Omega in front of him caught immediately.

"Moment?" Selah asked, raising one eyebrow questioningly.

A cough from behind her drew her attention, and Killian didn't know whether to thank Malcolm or strangle him as the asshole was clearly trying to cover up a laugh.

"She's waiting for you in the room," he stepped away from the portal to let Selah step through trying to distract her and failing miserably to hide his retreat.

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