Mound - Killian

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After boosting himself up and crawling after Blossom into the back of the box van, Killian turned to shut the doors only to find them already closing behind him. The grating sound of the metal closing gave his predator inside him a moment's pause as the thought of the doors being locked from the outside made him feel trapped, but when the doors remained slightly ajar, he took the hint and used the latch on the inside to shut and lock the doors fully. Knowing that he controlled access to what was essentially a mobile nest made his protective nature relax. No one would get to his Omega in her safe place, wherever that may be.

Not without going through him first.

He turned back to find his Omega out of sight. Where she'd landed when he boosted her into the van was now a moving pile of blankets and pillows. A grin of amusement graced his mouth as the idea of his Blossom burrowing like a bunny entered his thoughts. His smile turned devilish as the image changed to him as the big bad wolf chasing the bunny into her burrow, and all the things he would do to his quarry once he caught her.

Kneeling on the outside of the mound of fabric and pillows, Killian paused. Waiting for his Omega to give him some kind of invitation to her nest was painful. His cock throbbed. He wanted to tunnel in under the swatches of cloth to find the spiced apple sweetness making him go feral, but even the primitive half of him knew to wait.

Rationally, he knew he needed to wait.

The back of a moving vehicle was no place to start their first heat together. Once he started, once he slid his length into her heat, he wouldn't be ready to leave her heat for hours. Days. Starting in this temporary shelter would be foolish and not in her best interest. She needed the stability of the nest at the guest house. There they'd have access to a bathroom and supplies he was sure his father had already prepared. Here he had nothing to care for her with. Once they started, he wouldn't tolerate anyone opening the doors to deliver supplies, and he wouldn't be willing to leave her to get them himself.

He needed to wait.

Need crawled down his spine to where his cock hardened against his thigh.

He needed. Needed to be buried in her hot depths. Needed to have her clutching onto his shoulders with her little nails digging into his skin. Needed to see the curve of her back as she presented so prettily for hom.

Fuck. Wait. He needed to wait.

He may not remember much from when he went to his fancy Alpha school, but he remembered "Nesting for Alphas." Good Alphas waited for an invitation to enter an Omega's nest. Good Alphas provided nesting materials. Whether their Omega wanted bright or pale colors, soft and fuzzy textures or smooth and silky fabrics wasn't the Alpha's choice. The nest was always the Omegas to cultivate, build, and invite.

Instinctually, he knew he needed to wait.

The surprise that even his primal self seemed to understand the concept captured his attention for a brief second, but a cry from inside the moving mound of fabric drew his complete focus.

His Omega was in pain. Unacceptable.

If he entered the nest now, they wouldn't leave this van for days. Unacceptable.

Solve the problem.

He started to purr. The deep rumble vibrated the metal of the van and echoed back, multiplying the intensity despite the metal tone.

Another whimper came from inside the hillock of cloth. Still in distress, but not quite as pain-filled. Maintaining his purr, he offered a distraction by reaching out a hand and brushing the fabric nearest his knee. 

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