Epilogue🔥(Arctic Haze)

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"Let go! Let go!" I huffed and threw my head back.

Lor had my cock locked down her throat and I couldn't last much longer!

"Lor! Kahj'na xeet!" I cursed in Oto-Winde and grit my teeth.

She released me but kept me coiled in her tongue as I came.

The lights in our modest dreadnought cabin warped into psychedelic patterns as I layed strewn flat across the bed with my mate between my legs.

In the weeks since we left the red planet, Lor had become terrifyingly skilled at taking me down. It was no joke that Zhaguai were renowned for their adaptability and physical discipline.

My fog of rapture dissipated, and I awoke to Lor lapping up the leftovers, while gliding her pink claws lazily up and down the trail of iridescent scales running the length from my navel down to my groin.

"You vex me, female," I wove my fingers between her long blue and pink quills undulating over her eyes.

Lor climbed up my torso with her eyebrow crooked sharp.

"What will we do when we finally return to Nexus territory," I tucked my arm under her neck as she nestled in at my side. "After we've been cloistered in this bed for months?"

"Find a new bed," Lor kissed my cheek, then forehead, and other parts of my face. "Revel in carnal contentment and make the other cum until there's no other choice but to submit."

Even without the touch of her tongue, Lor's mouth made me hard again.

"And what about those times when we're apart?"

Lor's radiant pink eyes drifted down.

The crew of the Joyful Tyrant welcomed us aboard with reverence and sympathy. To the Zhaguai, battling and surviving a planet swarming with Graven was beyond astonishing. But Lor and I knew better. Being the last two alive wasn't a victory.

"I will have to step down from my role within the Entente," Lor sighed and curled her head into my shoulder. "It will be Oru's decision whether I still have a position on her council."

"Perhaps that's for the best," I blurted out my unfiltered thoughts.

Lor's eyes shot up, aghast that I had agreed so readily.

"But you should fight for your rank under Oru," I added. "Like it or not, you will always be a reminder of the massacre at Darbek Monastery. No one is in a better position to hold the leaders of the Nexus accountable and advocate for security improvements."

Lor had a strange glow in her gaze. I couldn't tell if she wanted to fight me or fuck me.

"Whoever the new Primary is, they will lack your first-hand knowledge," I chose my words carefully in case I had incited the latter. "Don't let the council, the ancients, or the matriarchs squander your experience. They failed to respond in time. Not you."

"Everyone under my command, excluding you, died," Lor laid out the undeniable facts. "Yrox may have been in charge of security, but I was the Primary. The council may demand my head after the Dredge Officers complete their investigation."

"And what will they find?" I held her close. "A Primary and her head of security sitting on their asses doing nothing? You and Yrox petitioned for more protection repeatedly. I know I did! No doubt you and Yrox were contemplating my demise, if only to have a single day without complaints filling up your inboxes."

Lor nodded with a snicker. "Yrox wanted to challenge you and toss you into an idling interceptor engine."

My mate wasn't wrong. Political and strategic factors were at play long before our mission. However, Groon asserted there was no way in hell Oru or the council would abandon her.

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