Chapter 7 In the Nick of Time

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"Are you sure about this?" Booker asked, holding the glass-fronted helmet sceptically, "I've done a lot of crazy things in my time, but taking a walk in space is a new one."
The private investigator was standing in the Normandy's forward airlock, already wearing a bulky spacesuit and magnetic boots. With him was the ship's silver-haired medical officer, Karin Chakwas.

"You're the only person here who can do it," Doctor Chakwas replied, taking the helmet and placing it over his head.
"Are you kidding lady? Up until yesterday, I didn't even know space travel was possible!"
"And I didn't know that different universes existed until yesterday. We're all learning new things Mr. DeWitte."

She locked the helmet into place and there was a rush of air as the suit pressurised.
Booker sighed. The ship's computer had detected something moving around the ship's hull. They had not been able to get any images of it, but they knew it needed to be removed before it caused any damage. To that end, it had been decided that Booker would don a spacesuit and go outside to deal with the problem. He had been armed with a mass effect assault rifle from the Normandy's armoury, as his own shotgun would not work in the vacuum of space.

"Alright, you're all set," said Chakwas, stepping out of the airlock.
Beside her, Elizabeth watched, clearly worried.
"Don't do anything stupid out there okay?" she said, twisting her hands together.
"Don't worry Elizabeth," he replied, hoping he sounded more confident than he felt, "I've faced worse than this."
"Okay Booker, we're all set," said Chakwas, "I'm activating the airlock."

She pressed a button and the door slid closed, leaving him with one last sight of Elizabeth's worried face.
"Fantastic," he grumbled as a rush of noise filled the room as the air was pumped out.
A few seconds later the noises ended, and another door opened silently in front of him. Beyond was the vastness of the gas giant's cloudy surface and the endless black of space.
"Testing, testing," came the voice of EDI in his ear, "Booker can you hear me?"
"I hear you," he replied.

"Very good. The lifeform is currently on the top of the ship near the stern. There is a ladder to your right you can use."
"Umm, thanks EDI."
He was still unsure if he should trust the computer, but right now she was the only thing between him and eternity.
"Here goes nothing."

Stepping out of the airlock, Booker felt suddenly weightless as he left the ship's artificial gravity field. He was saved from floating off however by the magnetic boots and reached over to the ladder EDI had told him about.
Aside from his breathing, all was deathly quiet as he climbed the ship's curved hull. Looking up, he was confronted by the vast walls of Sevastopol Station.

"A port in space," he thought, "Ridiculous."
Reaching the top of the hull, he found it deserted.
"Okay, I'm right above you," he said, "Can't see anything yet."
"The lifeform is still at the stern of the ship," said EDI, "But appears to be moving toward your position."

He unclipped the mass effect rifle from his back and placed it against his shoulder. The shape of the hull meant what he was tracking could not be seen.
"What could possibly be out here?" he thought with a chill.
Something moved ahead of him, whip-like and fast. Keeping the rifle raised, Booker aimed as best he could with the helmet in the way.

Moving silently in the vacuum, a creature appeared. It was tall and thin, with an insect-like body the colour of blackened metal, a whip-thin tail moving back and forth behind it.
For a second the two froze, staring at each other, then the creature came charging at Booker, faster than he would have believed possible, its mouth opening in a silent scream.
Without hesitating, Booker pulled the trigger and mass effect rounds soundlessly streamed out of the gun, striking the creature just as its arms reached out. The impact knocked it clean off its feet and it was sent spinning into the void, yellowish blood spewing from its wounds.

"Booker? Booker, did you get it?" Joker's voice came through the radio.
"Yeah, yeah I got it," he replied, letting out a deep shuddering breath.
"What was it?"
"I don't know, but it was dangerous whatever it was."
"Alright, well you'd better get back inside."
Booker was happy to agree and took a step toward the airlock when EDI's voice stopped him.
"Just a moment Mr. DeWitt. I am detecting movement approaching the Normandy."
"From where?" Booker asked, sensing he would not like the reply.
"About one hundred metres above you."

Turning toward the station's uneven wall, Booker looked up and saw dozens of dark skeletal shapes creeping downward.
"Do you have a visual?" asked EDI.
"Yeah, I see 'em," Booker replied, shouldering the rifle once again.
"Can you handle the threat?"
"Do I have a choice?"

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