001. new beginnings

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new beginnings

MADDISON PRESTON was a strong girl. There was no doubt or confusion about that.

She had dealt with her sisters death completely on her own, she had practically shut everyone out.

The subject of her sister was a touchy one.

Maddison hated to talk about it. Whenever someone would even mention Violets name she would have to leave the room.

That's just how Maddison Preston was.

But she was extremely happy that her family had decided to move. She couldn't stand it anymore.

She couldn't deal with another pity look in the corridors or another text message stating how 'sorry' they were for her loss.

Maddison just wanted a fresh start.

So she was the most happy that she had been in a while when her parents revealed that they were moving to a place called the All Valley in California.

The family had decided to move their because it was close to her mums brother and her parents claimed that they needed to be 'closer to family'.

But Maddison wasn't bothered about that.

She stared out of the car window, thoughts consuming her. She was silently regretting the events from last night.

She wondered how different it would be for her versus Maddison's life back home.

But one thing for sure was that when she got to the All Valley there would be no boys, no crushes and for sure no boyfriends.

Maddison Preston was done with boys or so she thought.

After what had happened with Alex and now yesterday night with Jack, she was sure going to avoid boys like the plague.

All they did was muck her around and she was done with it.

Maddison could just hear her parents yapping from the front seat and Harper complaining about the car journey and she wasn't in the mood to listen.

She pulled her airpods out and put some Taylor Swift on and attempted to relax and enjoy the journey.

But she just couldn't.

𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐑 𝐈𝐒 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑, anthony larussoWhere stories live. Discover now