002. west valley middle school

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west valley middle school

MADDISON AND KENNY continued to talk throughout the whole bus journey. It was nice to finally have a friend, or atleast thats what Maddison thought.

When the bus finally pulled up to the school, kids were practically pushing each other over to get off the bus.

Maddison and Kenny were off the bus last, they both shared nervous glances at each other as they entered the school.

It was much bigger than her last school and much more intimidating and she could tell that Kenny felt the same way.

The duo decided to go to the office to get their schedules printed off.

After a while of waiting the two got their timetables and quickly compared them.

Maddison already knew what she had but she couldn't remember from the top of her head.

Luckily, the two had a class together that day. Unluckily, the only class they had together was gym and biology.

Meaning that Maddison would be all alone for her later lessons.

She groaned, loud enough to get some weird looks from a group of sixth graders to give her a dirty look.

Kenny laughed at her dramatics before groaning himself.

Maddison gave them an awkward smile before dragging Kenny off to walk to their first class.

They both had Pe first which Maddison was dreading, she hated the sport.

The two went their separate ways to their different locker rooms.

Maddison quickly shoved her stuff in a locker before walking into the gym.

She had tried to find Kenny before walking in but couldn't seem to locate him.

Loads of kids turned to look at her, giving her dirty looks but Maddison couldn't care less.

She walked over to the coach while texting her best friend Penelope from her old school.

She knew about her whole Jack situation as well and was giving her the gossip and updates from her old school.

Penelope and Maddison had been through thick and thin and always been there for each other.

Just as she was complaining to her how horrible the new school was the coach coughed angrily.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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