play fighting

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(The picture is what Roxie looks like)

2 years ago

Two puppies, one fully white and one black and white was playfighting each other to play with the carrot Teddy they both loved. Each of them growled playfully as the white dog managed to snatch it from her and run away with it. Roxie barked and ran after the white puppy dog and rolled over with it as she got on top of the dog and snatched it back.

We both heard a human voice and we looked up.

The female dogs bestfriend looked at the human with his puppy dog eyes and looked at his tail and started chasing it and she did the same.

"That one." The human girl said and the black and white dog became sad because she chose him her bestfriend.

"You're being chosen." The black and wite dog said

"This is great I'm going to have a home." He said happily then he noticed her sadness."Hey its alright soon you will have a home too and have your own family." He said and they started to nuzzle each other and the girl took a picture. "Seems like you two are bestfriends huh?" The girl said and they both barked at her.

"Oh girl I wish I could adopt you too." She said starting to Stroke behind her ear which she liked.

The shop owner picked up her bestfriend and he went into the girls arms and they hugged." You're heavy." She said and her bestfriend started to lick her face."and slobbery." She said as she got down on her knees with bolt and gave him a collar."there. You're a good boy. You're my good boy." She said the female puppy barked which got the girls and her bestfriends attention. She then picked up the carrot toy and threw it out to him.

She saw his collar which had a word on it meaning he has a name.

"Bolt huh? I like it. Now you have the best life with her bolt" she said to him and he smiled.

"Good bye, you'll always be my bestfriend." Bolt said.

The girl picked him up and the carrot Teddy and they both said a lot of good byes to each other and that was the last time she saw her best friend. Bolt.

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