~ Hunting ~ 5

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I am a good 50km north of the settlement now, the run is relaxing. The fresh breeze, the leaves rustling above and the songs of the forest. Such vibrant life and so full of color, even the changing leaves seem to have been painted. Inhaling deeply as I slow down, catching the scent of deer lingering.
I sniff the air a bit more, to my relief there is no other scent trails from vikings. It seems I am the first to come across this game trail in awhile, I lick my muzzle excitedly. I can now hunt freely and not worry about any accidents occurring. I can run beneath the canopy of green and play in the river all I want, and hunt my fill carefree.
I hike northward following the hunting trail along a beautiful clear stream. I lower my muzzle and take a gulps of water, enjoying the amazing crisp flavor. A twig snaps behind me a bit away, my ears twitch but there is no other sound. I glance over in the direction and scent the air carefully. I find nothing standing out, just the scent of moss and wood. My ears twitch hastily, making sure it truly was just nature.
Still nothing is tripping my senses, I shake out my fur and resume stalking the prey. Their strong flavorful scent getting more potent as I follow the path deeper along the mountain trail. The sun is now well past mid day and is blazing brightly, this is creating perfect shadows to blend into.
Inhaling deeply, savoring the rich scent of earth and foliage. Things I got to rarely experience as a pup, most of the time I was running the field with a trainer. Fighting beside Vikings, blade and fangs working together.
I chuckle softly at flicker memories, I am pleased to be free to live how I want now. I slow my pace as the prey I been tracking comes within range. I can hear a group of them walking about, stopping occasionally to graze upon the vibrant green bushes.
I crouch down and creep closer, blending into the shade of overlaping trees. Again I hear a twig snap but this time the wind shifts and I catch something familiar. I flick my gaze upwards and above me in a tree I see.
Thorin. His blue eyes locked on the largest buck in the clearing ahead, he seems completely unaware of my presence. This is a perfect opportunity to watch and learn I suppose. I am curious about this warrior, he seems to be different then the others. Victor avoided the conversation so I know he is hiding something. He must take me for a fool, which suits me fine. I dont mind Victor being ignorant of my intelligence, gives me an advantage I think.
I watch as Thorin takes aim, his breath stills as he releases an arrow. It hits the buck solid, dropping it instantly. I expect Thorin to rush for his kill instantly but he hesitates. His eyes scanning the outer tree ridge.
This viking is smart, he already expects another hunter to be close. Waiting gives him a chance to take down more prey. A few minutes go by and the wind shifts and I catch the scent of another animal. Bear I believe.
I glance around and sure enough a large brown bear comes walking out into the clearing. Its nose tracking the scent of deer blood, I can hear Thorin notch another arrow. Seconds later the bear drops with two arrows sticking out of his fur.
Ok, that is slightly impressive I must say, I didn't even hear the second arrow. I knew Vikings were capable hunters but his precision and intuition is well trained. I watch in silence as Thorin jumps nimbly from the tree, his build is solid judging from how he landed. He does another guick glance around before walking off to the side of me.
I hear the rustle of bushes the the heavy sound of dragging wood. When Thorin passes by my hiding spot, I notice him dragging a wooden cart. He must hunt here regularly to leave such a thing on the ready.
I watch as he loads the bear first with hardly a struggle. After adding the buck he secures his kills with rope, I watch curiously as he drags it further along the hunting tail. He clearly isn't heading for the village, I creep along the side of his path. Keeping myself low and engulfed by the shadows, masking my scent as best as I can.
Thorin keeps a soild pace and doesn't seem to have any issues dragging his cart either. This man must have trained himself brutally, as an offspring of a leader I know he probably didn't have a choice. I know I didn't.
I stalk him another 30km till we finally came to a stop. I glance around and see a little clearing up ahead, a small brook flowing through. Just across the stream I see a little hunting lodge, drying racks and all set up out front.
I watch as Thorin crosses the stream and begins to tend to his kills. I don't know how long it took, but just watching him skin and clean the prey put me to sleep. The sound of chopping wood pulls me back from my nap, I glance up to Thorin and he is shirtless as he swings his ax.
He is breathing heavy and seems as though he is running low on engery. The wind shifts and is surrounding me in his scent. It is now I realize even though it is extremely faint, he smells of my kin. I shake my head and inhale again, there is definitely something there though that isn't.
All I know for sure is that Thorin is not just human but also not wolf or lycan. I growl frustrated that I can not figure it out. Suddenly I feel Thorin on edge, his eyes scanning the tree lines near where I am. He heard me growl and even with how low it was he nearly pinpointed my location.
I chuckle, looking around my surroundings. Taking note that he has chosen a perfect area for a den. With the river and hunting tail close it is truly envious.
By the time I sense it, it is already too late. A thunderous howl tears from my lungs as I glance to my side. An arrow sunk deeply into my hindquarters. No wonder the bear dropped after two, Thorin's shot is powerful.
Within seconds, he is standing over me. His eyes taking in mine, a glimmer of recognition fills his gaze with a shift of the wind. Thorin backs up as I growl warningly as his hand no longer reaching for the arrow. He takes another step back, his blue eyes never leaving me.
I stand and feel the pain shoot through my leg. Growling heavy as I bite the shaft and yank the arrow out. Tossing it to his feet before turning to leave. I take a few steps then drop to the ground in agony, damn arrow was laced. He is indeed a good hunter, I groan as he rushes to my side.
"I have the antidote! I am sorry Caillat!"
I can feel him shuffling around me then a fowl tasting liquid entering my muzzle. I try to spit it out, but he has me in a firm head lock. My vision slowly starting to fade.
"If you don't swallow this it will take days for the venom to be out of your system. Do you wish to remain unconscious for that long?!"
I swallow but it does nothing to stop the darkness that takes me. I feel weightless, and completely void of everything. How strange and peculiar, I can sense motion but there is nothing.
No sound, nor light. No up or down.
What a strange place this is. What a strange feeling this is. It is everything and nothing, feeling full but have never eaten. How did I get here? How long have I been here? Where is here even?
Who is Caillat? Who is that speaking?
Oh I am Caillat.
Suddenly everything rushes me all at once. I spring up, landing heavy on my paws. My eyes darting around before landing on Thorin, his figure semi blurry but I know his scent. Worry and fear pouring off him in waves..
Wait Fear? Oh I am snarling, I quickly close my muzzle realizing the fresh taste of blood. Feeling the foam lining my mouth tells me I must have been excessively snapping my fangs.
"Caillat?" Thorin calls out tentatively.
My eyes focusing now, realizing he is holding twin blades in front of himself. Interesting his choice of blades mirror my own when in that form. Thorin really looks a mess right now.
There is blood coming from the side of his head and dirt covering most places. Massive slices on his arms bleed lightly and three claw marks across his chest. I glance down at myself as the situation clicks, his blood is covering my chest and legs.
"Are you well again?" His voice hesitant but he never lessens his grip.
I take note of myself, feeling where he manged to land a few blows. I can feel the slices bleeding slowly. It seems he only ever countered my assault, all the wounds I have are defensive. He truly must have been trying to avoid confrontation.
"Thorin you are impressive!" I can't stop myself from praising him despite the searing pain as I spoke.
I don't even know what happened but he is alive without once taking an offensive strike! I hear his soft chuckles and watch has his body drops hard.
Just as I am next to the unconscious Thorin, my legs give out too. I drop right down against him, I mange to get my muzzle close enough at least. I wedge it under his body, rolling him on to his back before I once again fell into darkness.
I'm not sure how much time has passed but I can feel soft touches over the arrow wounds. I inhale deeply and pick up on the scent of Thorin. It must be him touching my injuries, I can feel cooling paste being applied lightly. I open my eyes lazily and focus on getting my barrings.
It is a small and cozy hunting den, not much inside at all. There is a bed up against the wall behind Thorin and glancing over my shoulder reveals a small table near the entrance. I sigh feeling the fire warming me too, I lay still as Thorin silently applies the medicine to the other cuts and slices.
I can feel his fingers stroking my fur gently as he moves about my body. His concentration is heavy as he carefully addresses the wounds around my chest. When his eyes finally land on mine, his breath hitches realizing I am no longer asleep.
"You... may ...proceed Thorin." I whimper a bit, I'm not use to my throat hurting.
"It seems when I countered one of your attacks, I may have nicked your throat more then I intended. Try not to speak much till it heals." Throin inhales deeply, leaning back a bit.
"I truly didn't even realize it was you in the shadows. You did not give anything away Caillat, a true hunter. If you hadn't of growled I would've never known you where there. It startled me and I went straight into releasing an arrow." He speaks softly while he finishes checking everything over.
"There, you are all patched up now. Also," he stands walking over to the table to come back with an entire hind leg from a deer. "Eat this, it will most certainly help you recover faster."
I slowly try to sit up, and only slightly wince with the pain. The medication doing wonders already it seems. Thorin is sitting on the floor in front of me, the meat resting between us. His eyes never leaving the food he offered me, I caused this mess by simply making a mistake. Yet this viking acts like it's his fault.
I slowly walk over to his side and sit down next to him, I can't speak with words but I am use to speaking with my body already. I lean my side into Thorin before bringing my head to nudge it against his chest. I hear his sharp breath before his hands come up and start petting me, he does it the same way his father has. From scratching behind my ear and along the side of my neck.
I pull away after a few minutes, feeling a wave of calm dirft over Thorin. He smiles lightly and walks over to his bed, "I am gonna rest for bit. You free to leave whenever, just close the door behind you."
I nudge the door a bit, it is already dark and I can still feel the twinge of my injuries. That arrow puncture will take at least a day even with my recovery skills. Trying to travel back would be foolish, I bite the door handle and pull it shut.
The fire is still burning nicely, though the floor fur is stained with my blood. Thorin is a soild fighter, he held in there. I glance over his resting form, with his staggering breath I can tell he also feels the wounds of today.
Taking this chance I steadily make my way up to him, parts of his back is exposed. I raise my muzzle and inhale deeply, trying to figure out all the scents he is gives off. The strongest one is Victor's, he smells like his father. Then there is an earthy smell, like fresh soil. The Viking scent is prominent with all their kind but the fourth scent I can't place it.
I pull back and sneezing lighlty, he doesn't seem dangerous and it is Victor's child. I freeze as Throin rolls over, he shifts sleeping position but thankfully doesn't wake. I turn and sniff about the cabin, finding his bloody clothes from earlier.
I scent it hoping to figure out what it is I am missing, it doesn't help out at all. I lick the fabric and his blood is bitter sweet with a hint of saltiness. Most blood I have tasted is fowl, and prey meat always has a metal taste. Maybe different kins taste unquie, I should have tasted more blood in my fights.
A heavy sigh leaves Thorin's lips pulling my attention back, I walk over and nuzzle my head against his side. To my surprise he moves back up against the wall, making space for me. Glancing around warily, I jump up on the bed. It creeks under my weight but it is indeed far more comfortable then the floor.
I lay down, stretching my back legs downwards and my front two hanging over the edge. I can feel Thorin against my back as he scoots closer. His arm now resting over my side and his head buried in my neck. A shiver runs through me at this situation I have gotten myself into.
It is comfortable and warm, and Thorin did impress me today. I suppose I can let this go just once, I chuckle softly and slowly dirft off to sleep in under Thorin's arm.

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