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Maks was coming into his house when he heard his phone going off in his pocket. He reached in and pulled it out seeing it was his brother.

"Hey man, how's it going?"

"Hey, umm, I think you need to call P. She just got some pretty rough news and she's acting strong but I think she's ready to crack. She needs you man."

"Wait, what happened is she okay?" He had known she had rolled her ankle last night during the show but the last that he had heard she was participating again that night. She just needed to rest it.

"Well, the tour doctor checked her ankle, he's sidelining her for the next 3 shows."

"Aww shit, damn it. Okay, where is she now?" Maks felt his head spin slowly he could only imagine what was going through his girls head right now. 

"Umm, I think she's heading back to the bus. The girls were trying to cheer her up but I don't think they were succeeding much." 

"Okay, do you have time to get her to the bus? I know you guys can't stay with her cause you have the show to do soon but just until she's in and settled? I just feel better with you being with her. And then once she's in there I'll get a hold of her."

"Yeah, I can do that. I'm almost to their room now. I'll get her and help her get situated. Then I'll text you." 

"Thanks man, thanks for calling and taking care of her. I appreciate it. Especially when I can't be there."

"No problem, you know I love her too. I'll text you soon." Maks hung up and headed to go get changed real quick. He figured once he got ahold of her he'd just keep her on the phone for awhile until he knew she was settled some.

Meanwhile, Val was at the girl's dressing room. He knocked and Jenna opened the door.

"Hey." She said smiling at him.

"Is P still in here? Can I come in?"

"Yeah, we're all good. And yeah she's still here none of us really wanted to leave her." Val nodded before making his way into the room catching Peta's eye as he came in. He could see her meltdown was coming.

"You wanna go back to the bus?" He asked softly when he sat down next to her.

"Yeah, I think I'm just gonna lay down for awhile. Do you think you can help me back?" She said mentally sighing. She appreciated that the girls wanted to try to help but she just needed some time to herself. She was trying not to lose it in front of everyone but she was beginning to lose the battle with her mind.

"Yeah, I'm just gonna scoop you up and carry you over okay?" Val said standing and getting ready to pick her up.

"Wait wait, what if there are people out by the buses?" She said panicking momentarily. No one had made the announcement yet.

"It's okay, we'll have security check before we go out and if there are, we'll have them block us. I'll keep you safe, I promise." Val said quickly trying to calm her.

"Are you sure?" She said softly her eyes searching his needing that comfort.

"I'm positive." He said leaning down to pick her up. He got her situated in his arms and headed for the door. Brittany caught the door for them, giving Peta a quick squeeze before they headed out. Val carried her quickly through the building getting out to where the buses were. He found a security guard and had him radio out to see if there were any fans out there. He confirmed they had a clear path but said he'd walk out with them anyways and stay in front of them just in case. Val then got her safely to the bus, settling her on the couch inside. He went to move back to give her some space but she stopped him.

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