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Peta had probably never been more relieved to get off an airplane. She was so ready to see Maks but not only that they had had some rough turbulence on the way over and it had jostled her alot, hurting her ankle in the process. For once she was actually glad she had crutches. She adjusted her carry-on bag and headed through the terminal. She had text Maks and he told her where he'd be waiting, basically he'd be on the other side of the security doors waiting for her. She made her way quickly and got herself through the doors before looking for him, she noticed him standing discreetly against a wall off to the side and she headed to him quick.

He saw her coming and shifted towards her without making it noticeable what he was doing. No one knew they were going to be there so the chances of paparazzi or anyone catching what was sure to be a pretty public display of affection, was slim to none, but he didn't want to take any chances. She got to him and rested her crutches on the wall next to him and let her body crash into his. His arms came around her and pulled her into him tightly. She pressed her head into his chest, taking a deep breath of his familiar scent and letting the tension flow out of her body. He felt her shudder as she clung to him.

"Hey, don't cry, I got you." He whispered into her hair as he pressed a kiss to her head. She nodded into him and held him a little tighter as they stood their in the airport. He left her cling for a little longer before pulling back some and tipping her head back so he could see her face. She looked worn and he just wanted to take her home and take care of her. 

"You ready to head out? I just wanna get you home and sit with you okay?"

"Yeah, that's all I want too." She said nodding, squeezing him once more before letting go and reaching for her crutches. He took her bag from her and they headed to the car. He helped her get situated and went around to his side before he started driving them home.

"Shit." She muttered as she started looking at her phone.

"What's wrong?" He asked looking at her concerned.

"They announced it while I was in the air. I need to say something back to everyone. This is just opening a new can of worms." She said groaning as she sunk back into the seat closing her eyes. She hated this, all of it, more than anything right now. He reached over and squeezed her hand.

"I'd tell you just not to say anything yet but I know that's not you. So just say something simple. And speak to those who will care. Don't worry about the others."  He had a good idea of what was partly bothering her. He didn't want to push it though because he felt like once it started she was going to let it all loose and in the car wasn't the best place for that.

"Ok." She said nodding. She squeezed his hand once more before letting go to type what she needed. She deleted and typed and deleted and typed before finally coming up with something. "Will you tell me if this is okay?"

"Yeah read it to me." He said nodding his head.

"I'm so disappointed that I'm missing shows and missing out on meeting my fans! I will recover quickly though and I can't wait to get back to it in Vegas." She finished looking at him for reassurance that it sounded okay. 

"Perfect, short, sweet, simple. Hit send babe." He said looking over and noticing her finger was hovering over the send button. "Now put it down for now. I know part of what's bothering you but just relax for a bit and we'll talk about it once we're home and settled k?"

"Okay." She said settling her phone in the cup holder and reaching for his hand again.

"Did you eat?" Maks asked.

"No, I didn't really have time to grab anything."

"You wanna do take out before we get back?" He said as he turned out onto the interstate heading towards his place.

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