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Zirca is in the mythical forest that when one enters, that individual is shrunk down to the size of a human finger. There was once a time when they used a certain flower pollen that is liquidated into a drinkable juice that is similar to lemonade but with a hint of cherry. There Zirca is in search for a magical fairy child who is skilled in ancient fairy spells. She owes Dakota a HUGE favor since she may have set one of his rare one of a kind spell books of fairyfolk spells. Hopefully getting him a rare mentor makes up for it....That or she is put in a dungeon farm without a portal to escape.
Zirca:Where is that fairy?! *has literally looked around every flower and leaf in the whole darn forest!* Seriously I was stuck in his last dungeon for FOUR months straight......*she only survived by eating the monsters that lived there. She still craves dragon meat at times, whenever she sees a certain dragon friend of hers*
???: Hello friend! You seem famished, would you like some fruit? *holds out a few raspberries to Zirca*
Zirca:Oh thanks-*takes a bite out of one before her eyes widen in shock. Slowly she turns to see the fairy she looking for is the one giving her food right now* You're Flox!! The last fairy descendant that has the knowledge of ancient fairyfolk magic!
Flox:*a cherry hair colored fairy with green freckles underneath his leaf green eyes that glitter in the sunlight. He wears clothes made from weaving leaves and flower petals together. Surround him are butterflies which Zirca assumes are his familiars if not allies to aid him in combat or other tasks* That is me! How may I help you friend?
Zirca explains the situation to Flox who listens intently and agrees. Thank goodness....Dakota is not trapping her in the dungeon today! THANK YOU FLOX! YOU ADORABLE GOBBER! THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!