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Weeks have passed by now,Rody didn't seem to be quitting his job at the bistro soon,he was actually starting to slightly enjoy working there,even if just as a waiter,expect for the rude customers of course.
Recently he had also bought roller skates that would increase his speed,meaning that hopefully less customers would angrily complain about his speed, but that wasn't his only recent purchase,he had also bought a lemon cologne(or perfume?) that smelled rather strong,hoping he would smell better if he put it..
After yet another,long shift,Rody was finally cleaning up,but of course,he felt that firm tap on his shoulder,he recognised him immediately,so he didn't get scared or shiver by the touch either

Rody."What's up this time Vince?" he asked and turned to face the black haired man
Vince:"Rody,i was thinking-" but then he stopped and spoke again "Rody,you smell rather strong today,did you use any strange product?" he asked curiously,followed by Rody nodding
Rody:"Yep!other than the rollerskates i bought,i thought that a nice bottle of lemon cologne was a good purchase! what do you think?" Rody asked,Vincent gave him a slight smile
Vincent:"well,you smell rather good,by the way,i wanted to asked you if you would like to go to the cinema with me,i had recently bought a ticket for myself but the staff made me pay for two on accident and gave them to me,but i didn't bother asking for a refund,so i thought i'd ask you to join me." Vincent spoke,Rody smiled
Rody:"Cinema?sure,i don't mind! what are we going to watch?" Rody asked
Vincent:"i forgot the name,but i recall it being a horror movie" he answered,which caused Rody to shiver slightly
Rody:"h-horror movie...?" he said,which caused Vincent to slightly chuckle
Vincent:"mhm,afraid of horror movies,are we Lamoree?" he asked and smirked in his usual teasing way
Vincent:"Rody,you could avoid yelling,could you." he said while giving him a cold look,that caused Rody to shiver again
Rody:"y-yeah,sorry Vince,and by the way,i would NEVER be afraid of a dumb horror movie!" Rody said proudly and laughed,Vincent just shrugged
Vincent:"Alright,if you say so,oh well,the movie starts 30 minutes after your shift ends,so at 7:30PM,in those 30 minutes,do you want to go home and get changed and then come back or do you bring with you your outside clothing and change up in my apartment?" Vincent asks
Rody:"Hmm,i think we'll save time if we stick to the second option"
Vincent:"Alright then,remember to bring your outside clothing,okay?" he says,Rody nodding again
Rody:"Alright Vince! well,i'll go home now" he said and waved at Vincent,Vincent giving him a slight smile and waving back at him as the ginger(?)  got out of the building.

The next day,Rody came to work on time strangely,before his shift started,Vincent approached him

Vincent:"Rody,did you remember to-"
Rody:"Yep!i brought with me my outside clothing,don't worry Vince i wouldn't forget!they're in this bag!although i'm guessing i cant work with it...can you watch over it Vince?" he smiled and handed him the bag
Vincent:"Alright Rody,but you should get to work now,your shift..." he says and checks his wristwatch
Vincent:"Right now." he says,Rody puts on his roller skates and starts his shift.

Strangely,he didn't encounter any rude customer today,he actually got a lot of tips!
Strange,but at least Rody was relieved.
After his long shift,he finally tidied everything and went to Vincent

Rody:"Vince! guess what,we got a lot of tips today!" he smiled and handed the tips jar to Vincent
Vincent:"well,that's a lot of tips...good job Lamoree." he says and smiles at him
Vincent:"anyways, to get changed,we can go for a moment up to my apartment if you'd like to." he says,his propose being followed by Rody nodding
Rody:"Alright then! lead the way!" he says.

They arrive at the top floor of the restaurant,that being Vincent's house,Vincent leading Rody to a hallway,pointing somewhere

Vincent:"alright,the bathroom is at the very end to your right,here's your bag,i'll go change in my bedroom." he said,Rody thanking him before heading to the bathroom to get changed,Vincent heading to his bedroom.
After 5 minutes,they were finally ready,so they got out of the building and started walking towards the cinema.
But before that,they stopped at Rody's apartment so that he could leave his bike there.
Rody REFUSED to let Vince in,he still had to clean up all of that mess...
he will do that
After he left his bike in his apartment,the walked towards the cinema again,and after 3 minutes,they arrived to their destination.
they showed their tickets,bought a big bucket of popcorn,and went over to their seats

Rody:"if you ever get scared,you are free to grip on my arm" Rody says confidently,which Vincent replies by scoffing
Vincent:"that should apply to you,Rody" vincent said,smiling,Rody also answering by scoffing
Rody:"there is no way i would ever get scared for-" Rody spoke but was interrupted by Vincent shushing him
Vincent:"shh,the movie is starting." Vincent spoke quietly which caused Rody to sigh heavily.

at the mid-movie,Vincent didn't seem scared at all,no,his expression didn't change once.
Rody on the other hand,he was trembling,scared,knowing a jumpscare could make his soul leave his body any moment.
Right after he'd stopped believing in any jumpscare,one happened,and oh boy was he scared.
The whole room screamed,but Rody was the louder one.
He gripped on Vincent's arm like his life depended on it,occasionally he would also bury his head on Vince's chest.

"hm,i should invite him more often to see horror movies" Vincent thought to himself.

After jumpscares,screams and more scary stuff,the movie had finally ended,Rody was still shaking,but when he noticed Vincent looking at him,he instantly stopped
Rody:"h-hah! i told you i wouldnt get scared!" Rody smiled widely,which caused vincent to chuckle
Vincent:"oh really?then why were you holding onto dear life to my arm?"
Rody:"I- oh screw it i'll never convince you." Rody frowned ironically,Vincent smiling

Vincent:"you looked adorable even when you were scared"

Rody:"hm? did you say something Vince?i didn't hear you"
Vincent:"huh?i said nothing Rody..well,i'll walk you home,you still have work tomorrow Rody." he said,Rody frowning a bit
Rody:"oh yeah,right..." he groaned

The two started walking to Rody's house while chatting a little,but eventually they arrived.

Rody:"thank you for today Vince...i actually enjoyed it today,we should go out more often!" Rody smiled widely
Vincent:"you're not asking this just to get a raise,right?"
Rody:"huh? no no no of course not! I would just ask you directly even if i would have no success..." he said,muttering the last part
Vincent:"Well then,i had quite fun too,i wouldnt mind doing it again." he smiled
Rody:"well then,i better get to bed..." rody spoke
Vincent:"dors bien." Vincent said and smiled
Rody:"dors bien." Rody said and also smiled as he enters in his apartment and closes the door.


word count:1287...DAMN

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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