ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 7

249 42 15

Mrs Martin burst into laughter while hearing their lovely words towards each other.
But that laugh didn't go long...

They arrived to take her daughter away

Prince Atlas himself arrived to take Flora, which surprised everyone in the village. Prince Atlas dismounted his horse, and everyone in the village gathered to say goodbye to Flora.
Prince walked towards her..and said to Mrs Martin while looking at the flora.

"I've come to take your daughter with me because I hope you know...I'm ready to take care of you and I'll give her father the required medicines. You don't have to worry about her. she'll be fine there"

Mrs Martin bowed to the prince and hugged her daughter one last time.

"I'll be fine there Mother..take care"

She reassured her mother who was silently sobbing now. Mark and Luna also hugged their best friend with tears in their eyes. Then she looked at the prince. He was in his thoughts, so he just nodded and walked to his horse..while Flora followed him. He told her to sit with him in the horse

As they stepped through the grand archway, the palace unfolded before them like a dream woven from marble and gold. The guards, clad in resplendent uniforms, bowed low in reverence to the prince, their armor glinting in the sun. But Flora, oh Flora-her eyes widened, pupils dilating as she took in the opulence that surrounded her. It was her first time setting foot in such a regal abode, and it left her breathless.

The walls bore intricate tapestries, each thread spun with stories of battles fought and love lost. Crystal chandeliers hung from the vaulted ceiling, casting prismatic rainbows across the marble floors. Flora's gaze flitted from one exquisite detail to another-the delicate frescoes, the gilded banisters, the ornate mirrors that reflected her awe-struck expression.

Atlas, the prince, watched her with a quiet intensity. His eyes traced the curve of her jaw, the softness of her lips. She was a vision-a natural beauty untouched by artifice. Her hazel eyes held galaxies within, and her skin, kissed by the sun, bore the warmth of summer. Pinkish lips, slightly parted, whispered secrets only the palace walls could hear.

He wondered if she knew the power she wielded-the way her presence transformed stone into poetry, silence into symphony. Atlas, who had seen kingdoms rise and fall, felt a vulnerability he hadn't known in centuries. For in Flora's gaze, he glimpsed eternity-the promise of a thousand tomorrows.

And so, he stood there, a prince bewitched by a mortal, a man ensnared by the magic of her wonder. The palace faded into insignificance; all that mattered was the girl before him-the one who made even marble ache for life, who turned a mere building into a sanctuary of dreams.

"Who Allowed this commener villager to enter this palace?" The grandeur of the palace seemed to shrink in the wake of Victoria's arrival-a tempest in silk and lace. Her voice, like a blade unsheathed, sliced through the air, and Atlas winced. He had hoped to shield Flora from this viper, but fate had other designs.

Victoria, with her powdered cheeks and eyes that held the secrets of courtly intrigue, bore down upon them. Her gown rustled-a symphony of disdain-as she scrutinized Flora. The girl, in her simple attire, stood like a fragile bloom caught in an unexpected storm. Her eyes, wide and innocent, betrayed none of the venom that dripped from Victoria's lips.

"Prince," Victoria's tone dripped with honeyed malice, "who is this girl?" Her gaze raked over Flora, assessing every thread of her humble dress, every strand of her unadorned hair. It was a look that said, You dare bring this commoner into our midst?

Flora, though trembling, held her ground. She curtsied, her movements graceful despite the tremor in her knees. "I am Flora, Your Highness," she said, her voice a whisper of wind through the palace halls. "A humble villager, honored to stand in the presence of royalty."

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