info b4 you read

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I WILL ADD MORE TO THIS im too lazy to make more beside these two so..

ok so.

- I like to imagine all the elemental legendarys have been here since the begining of earthbread, they were just like not in cookie form...

their age is based off when they became a cookie btw


AGE: 9000-ish..

HEIGHT: 5'11 , about 180.4 cm

nonbinary, uranic (or howveery u spell it)

any prns (perfers he or they)

i like to think he has ADHD and his hyper as hell


he can change how much hair he has, from short to long

speaking of hair.. when hes tired his hair acts liek noraml hair instad of beign up

depending on his mood his heat changes like if hes sad he becomes colder and if hes excited hes hotter (IN TEMPURTURE.)

hes clingy asf. no questions asked

he has SMALL WINGS but dont let them fool you he can fly.. plus his flames give him a small speed boost so yes

he has horns. they are usually hidden but theyre there ok.

hes like.. smart...ish.. in serious situations but hes also dumb as hell

hes somehow good at volleyball and only volleyball (dont ask where this came rfrom)

he likes spicy/sweet things

talks too much. does not shut up. falls asleep after speaking for like a hour about his hyper fixations.

(ok unrelated but not in this AU... he and wind archer is capisacins care takers NOT BIOLOGICAL but.. yeh)


AGE: 9000

HEIGHT:6 ft, 182.88 cm about

nonbinary, cupidoromantic (or however u spell it)



he has wings because i said so(and so does his costumes)

cold outside soft inside

hes naturally cold. like not ice cube cold but not above avg temp

im adding more i swear. im to layzy

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