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Hood goes underground with his flashlight and explore it before hearing a crack from the floor before falling deep into the ground, Hood needs to find a rope to get him out, so hood explore the place and found a rope and got up, he explores the basement and found a locker inside a cell, he need to find another key and it's deep underground, hood jumps back inside the cracked hole and quickly realizes it's the monsters nest, no wonder why nick doesn't want to go here, he slowly walk his way to a box but it needs to be broken, so hood smash it and quickly took the key but the monsters were already woke up and hood quickly jumps to the rope and climb it before opening the cell and take the key nick wanted from the locker and climbs back to the roof and found monsters that had killed nick in a brutal way, hood took a rifle from the ground and shoots the monsters. The monsters kept coming so hood take some ammos and pistols and jump down. Hood ran to a garden and hides there, he hides until the monsters walk away and when he got up, nick head fall infront of his foot. Hood walks to a hotel and explore it, hoping he will find another survivor that can help him because at this point, hood is very confused and terrified.

End of part 4

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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