The Split-Up

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Splitting up to face their respective foes, Hollyberry found herself standing at the Monument Spire Piazza, the once-vibrant heart of the Republic now transformed into a battlefield strewn with debris and wreckage. As Licorice Cookie's mocking sneer cut through the silence, Hollyberry's gaze hardened with determination, her resolve unwavering in the face of his scorn.

"UGH! The 'Ancient Heroes' are here! Here to save the day again, are we?" Licorice Cookie's taunts were met with a steely gaze from Hollyberry, her response measured and calm amidst the chaos. "You probably think you're all so high and mighty, but guess WHAT! You're all just a bunch of old moldy Cookies! Did you truly think ganging up on us would make us tremble in fear?! BAH!"

But Hollyberry's response was swift and sure, her words a testament to her unwavering resolve. "Hmm? I've never thought of that before," she remarked casually, her tone betraying none of the tension that simmered beneath the surface. "We just simply enjoy each other's company, that's all. Isn't it the same for you guys as well? You're always hanging out with each other, aren't ya?" Her words, delivered with a calm confidence, served as a poignant reminder that even in the midst of conflict, bonds of friendship and camaraderie remained unbroken.

"What?! W-we're no friends!" Licorice sputtered, his facade of confidence crumbling in the face of Hollyberry's unexpected assertion. His words, tinged with disbelief, betrayed the flicker of uncertainty that danced behind his eyes.

"Yes we are! Licorice Cookieee, you had one of my shroomies! Remember?" Poison Mushroom's cheerful voice chimed in from somewhere behind Licorice, their presence a jarring juxtaposition against the tense atmosphere that surrounded them. Their words, spoken with an air of innocence, served as a poignant reminder of the bonds of friendship that transcended the chaos of battle.

"Hey! Well! You MADE me eat it when I was half-asleep! That doesn't count!" Licorice's protest rang out with indignation, his frustration palpable as he sought to deflect Poison Mushroom's assertion. Yet beneath his bluster, a hint of discomfort lingered, a testament to the seeds of doubt sown by Hollyberry's words.

"Hmph. 'Friends.' We simply follow Dark Enchantress Cookie's orders," Pomegranate interjected, her voice dripping with disdain. Her words, delivered with icy precision, served as a stark reminder of the hierarchy that governed their allegiance. "Don't regard us as the same as you fools. Dark Enchantress Cookie is the only reason why we stay together."

But Poison Mushroom's confusion cut through the tension like a knife, their innocent inquiry casting a shadow of uncertainty over Pomegranate's steadfast resolve. "But... Pomegranate Cookie, you also had one of my shroomies, remember?" they asked, their voice tinged with bewilderment. In that moment, the facade of indifference that Pomegranate had so carefully crafted wavered, revealing the cracks beneath the surface of her cold exterior.

"...! ...That... was merely a bite of your mushroom. An unfortunate mistake, that's all," Pomegranate responded, her tone cool and collected as she sought to dismiss Poison Mushroom's assertion. Though her words carried an air of nonchalance, a subtle tension lingered beneath the surface, hinting at the unresolved conflict that simmered between them.

"Correct! Poison Mushroom Cookie thinks whoever eats a mushroom is a friend, but that's not true! We would never consider each other as friends!" Licorice declared, his voice tinged with a mix of arrogance and relief. His words, delivered with an air of defiance, served as a thinly veiled attempt to reaffirm his allegiance to Dark Enchantress Cookie, even in the face of Hollyberry's gentle rebuke.

"What a shame! You would have much more fun if you enjoyed each other's company! Especially considering that you're always together!" Hollyberry's voice, tinged with a hint of wistful nostalgia, carried a note of genuine warmth as she sought to bridge the divide between them. Her words, spoken with the wisdom of age and experience, served as a gentle reminder of the power of friendship in times of strife.

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